30 Gal Straight Compost vs Bag FFOF/FFHF


Well-Known Member
Hey Growers,

I've always grown outdoor in NEW FFOF or FFHF w a mix of last years soil outdoor.

I got a free dump of straight veg organic compost super rich.... Can I grow in only straight compost for final transplant from 3 to 30 gal pots?

Ladies go from solo cup to quart, Gal to 3 gal then 30.

To hot?? never not used bagged soil...

I supplement via teas throughout the year anyway.


Appreciate your time and thoughts.

This was last years start.

Greetings from Mendoland, NorCal!
I have started putting composted material like grain mash, and rotting wood at the bottom of my bags, and then cover with soil from last year I refurbish with more coco, and earthworm castings, and maybe some other things.
That way the the myco and bacterial colonies have material to process into nutrients once the roots fill the space. Allowing them to break it down also temporarily distracts them from processing nitrogen which is needed less during flowering, I’ve read. Once broken down, the material introduces more nitrogen to the soil which will benefit next years grow as the upper soil in the bags.
At least, that’s the idea.
If the compost feels hot or steams when you churn it, it is too hot.
Could be safe and just use for bottom third r quarter of soil. Maybe even mixed in up to halfway up with other soil.
It LOOKS like a nice grade/texture.
you could transplant a seedling into it to monitor. It’s more of a good indicator but if it’s not unusually warm down inside and a good bit of it is dirt/mineral like, I’d at least say its perfect for a mix. I’m sure its full of nutes but you’ll need some structure to it, too, i imagine? Is it a mud like consisistency when soaked in? I personally would add some coco fiber, and pumice or perlite. Can’t say for certain any additional amendments because it could be good to go, and I’m still learning a bit ever compost.
I’d love some veg compost already at that state!
Nice score, may it serve you well!
I would be concerned with drainage in 100% compost. My guess is it will be really compact by the end of the season, potentially choking roots.
So far I’ve got about 10 gals on the bottom of the bag, a full bag of FFOF and then topped with more compost. ..... we’ll see how this goes this year....

I have the fox farm trio basic and cha Ching.... I use RO and add cal mag, molasses and fish emulsion.
You could pick up a 2 cu/ft $20 bag of perlite at Home Depot and mix that in. Better safe than sorry when it comes to root compaction.

I have some perennial hops in 20 gal pots with super compact soil. I regret not taking the time to aerate it because there's no turning back once it's established.
Same concern as @sirtalis, hence why I’d add coco at least. Could even just do a thick topsoil of chunky coco or something similar to it to keep the soil from moving around too much during watering.
Then again perhaps the perlite from the FF will gradually float up through the compost, aerating as it goes?
Have fun, happy growing. I look forward to updates if you’re inclined to.
Yea there's a reason a standard potting mix is 1/3 coco or peat, 1/3 perlite or aeration, 1/3 compost.

There's wiggle room for experimentation but I'd never do 90%+ of one of these 3. Unless of course you do 100% coco and want to feed every 3 hrs. Not for me :D