30 plants busted week ago while out, police not been round since?


ok so this is my extremley unlucky story to how i have recently had my grow found by police.

i was a passenger in a car crash last saturday (crashed into a tree 1 week ago) the driver was drink driving so we left the scene, looking for the driver police infact raided my house while i was out and stumbled across 30 plants in a flood and drain system in my loft, pretty sophisticated setup air cooled lights etc.

they left a note informing a search has taken place - warrent for section 17 - entry to arrest or save life, they entered the property by drilling my lock, they changed the lock and posted a note through next door saying could the occupant please collect keys from the police station! anyway, i drilled the lock again myself and replaced it, i rang my solicitor who has tried contacting the officer in charge of the case twice with no reply, he has advised me to carry on as normal and wait to see what happens, its been a week and iv heard nothing, im still living in the property that was raided they know where i am so why has nobody been round?

could it be possible they arnt coming? very unlikley i know but cant understand how they havent been round or even left a note informing me to attend the station?

plants wer in very early stage of veg, no value on them, i have a business selling fancy dress which was quite obvious to them as the loft hatch was in my stock room, no previous convictions, im a home owner and no scales or cash was in the house obviously im very paranoid about whats going on but like i said iv heard nothing as yet and my solicitor has advised me to wait to see how they play it as it is now logged i have tried contacting them and am ready to attend the station.

whats going on!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
is this in the states?

i am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt, but i have never heard of such a thing in my life.

they raided your house and changed your locks and left you a note? and you haven't heard from them? how did they know who was even in the car to raid anyone's house? how in HELL did they end up at YOUR house?

you definately want to consult a lawyer. at the very least if you weren't home you could always say they planted stuff.

also, in the states the police have to spell out what they are looking for on a warrant. if the warrant says they are looking for a missing baby and they find a box of heroin, a decent lawyer should be able to get that thrown out depending on the circumstance.

good luck.


sorry i should have said, this is in the uk. basically 2 friends went to hospital and gave my name and address, obviously not knowing about the grow, nobody knew about it.

i have a lawyer at the ready, same one who phoned the police but got no reply.

absolutley crazy i know, makes no sense at all. fingers crossed eh


Global Moderator
Staff member
is this in the states?

i am not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt, but i have never heard of such a thing in my life.

they raided your house and changed your locks and left you a note? and you haven't heard from them? how did they know who was even in the car to raid anyone's house? how in HELL did they end up at YOUR house?

you definately want to consult a lawyer. at the very least if you weren't home you could always say they planted stuff.

also, in the states the police have to spell out what they are looking for on a warrant. if the warrant says they are looking for a missing baby and they find a box of heroin, a decent lawyer should be able to get that thrown out depending on the circumstance.

good luck.
I believe the OP is in the UK where legalities are quite different from US procedures.


Well-Known Member
UK Law I am PARTIALLY familiar with as I live here (no proper legal knowledge so dont hold me to anything) my thoughts are yes they will leave a note. Generally because not worth there time chasing you they wait for you to go to them to hand yourself in. If you can't get in contact with the cop in charge of this case then just sit back for now. You will be arrested and given street bail (no room in prison for something so petty) and as long as your solicitor and yourself are seen to be making the effort to contact the police to resolve the issue, that will stand in court. But get a good solicitor and don't worry about the cost. Be worth it in long run. Let us know how get on. Any questions, shout ill TRY and help!


Well-Known Member
TBH the leaving a note thing does happen. Could be just bad luck? I know a whole grow house that was busted. No one home, just leave a note and hope someone hands themselves in for it... Bit different as they know this guys name but you get my drift.


Well-Known Member
im still living in the property that was raided they know where i am so why has nobody been round?
I can't presume to know what's in the mind of the police officers in question, but I can speculate about a lot of possibilities.

-The cops have better things to do than chase a penny-ante grower they don't believe poses an imminent threat to anyone. If you turn up, they might arrest you, if not, they might eventually get around to it, or maybe not. I've heard at least one other story of English cops finding a small grow op then destroying it instead of trying to make an arrest.

I don't know what the penalty for growing is, nor how difficult it is to secure a conviction, but if the courts are lenient towards this sort of thing, it simply may not be worth their time to try and secure a conviction for a small grow. In other words, if they think you're likely to just be released with a warning or small fine, they may not want to bother doing the work to put forth a case.

-Perhaps despite the warrant, the specific search they did may not have been legal, and therefore the cops may not have admissable evidence on which to bring up criminal charges. Obviously, I'm not familiar with UK law; this is something you'd have to discuss with your solicitor.

-Related to the above, just because they found an illegal grow room doesn't necessarily mean they have enough evidence to charge you with it right now. Do you own the property in question? Are you the only one with access? Was there intent to distribute? If so, to whom? Do you have criminal associates you're dealing with that might be worth their attention too? They'd have to do a proper investigation to determine these things before figuring out whom to charge. Maybe they're just watching to see if you do anything incriminating or if you'll lead them to bigger/better things.


thanks for your input, definatley not doing anything else incriminating so hopefully they'll leave me alone, fingers crossed, if not look like i will have to face the music, do the crime do the time, they found a small amount in my house because they took that too, good thing really as it shows im a user


trust me it is for real lol i dont know why ppl think im lying wudnt waste my time! defo no more crops here :( was goin good too


Well-Known Member
The warrant was for the driver and anything else uncovered wouldn't be admissible in court most likely. I would get a good attorney and move. Also, find some new friends!!!