300 Watt CFL Scrog Grow

really u can use anything.. u can use chicken wire...that plastic fence shit whatever u want ...

Very true, you can use anything, but larger holes and less screen material makes training harder IMO. Not to mention less bud sites.
Very true, you can use anything, but larger holes and less screen material makes training harder IMO. Not to mention less bud sites.

I recently gave a go at scrog and used the screen from a big fan. The big holes in really sucked lol but without topping the plants I got like 6-7 heads on each clone. Any update Pics?
I recently gave a go at scrog and used the screen from a big fan. The big holes in really sucked lol but without topping the plants I got like 6-7 heads on each clone. Any update Pics?

Yeah, a big hole scrog is not really a true scrog, IMO. Using a big hole screen in conjunction with LST is a great idea, but the point of a scrog is to have many bud sites, not just a few more main colas.
I will have more photos tomorrow, I am on the road today and won't be back before my lights go out.
Ok, update time... :)
Not a whole lot has gone on in 3 days, they did perk up a bit as the last images were taken right after a trim. I see more and more bud growth everyday. Things are needing to be trimmed, I have some bud sites being shaded by another which needs to be addressed. And then of course the final under screen trim needs to be done. You don't want to trim too much at once because they will stunt, so I try and space my trimmings out the best I can.

**Side note, and not up for debate or argument on this thread, please:**
I do trim leaves. If they are shading another site, I will trim them back. Sometimes this means only cutting the tips, or half, or 2/3's of a leaf set, sometimes it means completely removing the leaf. I will post some images of what I mean later. I tuck as many fans as I can under the screen and let them go, no fans on top of the screen. Understand, this is MY opinion, and it works for ME. So please, no arguments about if it's good or bad for the plant, how it effects the plant, etc, etc, just understand I am speaking from my own personal experience and it causes no harm in this scenario, done correctly. In fact it increased my yields vs. no training and letting them grow however they wanted.**

The burned tips from the lamps are doing fairly well (see last picture). I don't believe some of them will make it back to normal in time, but they may make very small buds. They seem to be doing pretty decent health wise, but I just think they are so stunted and damaged they will never mature correctly or in sync with the other buds. Only time will tell. The surrounding, minimally burned, sites are kicking back in to gear and look like they will do just fine.

More pics later of my overall setup, I just don't have time right now.
Thanks everyone for the support and keep 'er tuned in...





How much bud are you expecting to get off of each plant?
Don't know yet. With my lighting issues and the back of the screen not being filled, and the overall screen not being filled like I wanted, it's no telling. Hopefully 3 zips. Now that I got a feel for the new screen size and this setup, next round I have new plans and will most def get the screen filled to capacity.
So I just take like 3-4 plants of the same size rouhly, put some chicken wire over it, and theyll conform to the chape im seeing in your grow? (thats doing awesome)
So I just take like 3-4 plants of the same size rouhly, put some chicken wire over it, and theyll conform to the chape im seeing in your grow? (thats doing awesome)

for the most part yes. they tend to grow through the screen so u need to train or tie them down until usually right after the stretch when u flower... then from there just let them do their thing... if u need to thin foliage covering budsites thats cool too.. IMO
So I just take like 3-4 plants of the same size rouhly, put some chicken wire over it, and theyll conform to the chape im seeing in your grow? (thats doing awesome)
Well, essentially yes. But it does take time and effort, and daily training during veg and the first 3 weeks or so of flower. Sometimes you have to you use twist ties to keep them in place. You let them grow through the screen a bit, and then tuck them under, let them grow up the next hole a bit, and tuck them back under, over and over until your screen is filled or they stop stretching. You can tell they are slowing down, and that's when I start letting them come through their final resting spot, and do some final placement of the slower ones. Then I wait about a week, while trimming and cutting leaves that are shading. By then they have kind of leveled off in their growth patterns and I then do the final trim underneath the screen. At this point, everything must go under there. No fans, no shoots, nothing but the stems you have trained. This is important for 2 reasons, air flow, and to allow the plant to concentrate on the buds instead of wasting energy on shoots that aren't going to develop.
Hope all that makes sense,
for the most part yes. they tend to grow through the screen so u need to train or tie them down until usually right after the stretch when u flower... then from there just let them do their thing... if u need to thin foliage covering budsites thats cool too.. IMO

Well, essentially yes. But it does take time and effort, and daily training during veg and the first 3 weeks or so of flower. Sometimes you have to you use twist ties to keep them in place. You let them grow through the screen a bit, and then tuck them under, let them grow up the next hole a bit, and tuck them back under, over and over until your screen is filled or they stop stretching. You can tell they are slowing down, and that's when I start letting them come through their final resting spot, and do some final placement of the slower ones. Then I wait about a week, while trimming and cutting leaves that are shading. By then they have kind of leveled off in their growth patterns and I then do the final trim underneath the screen. At this point, everything must go under there. No fans, no shoots, nothing but the stems you have trained. This is important for 2 reasons, air flow, and to allow the plant to concentrate on the buds instead of wasting energy on shoots that aren't going to develop.
Hope all that makes sense,
Makes sense too a ceartin degree. The only thing im confused about is tucking them under?...isnt the whole point for the bud sites to pop up through the screen? Thank you for your patience adn help, both of you. ive given you both a plus rep for your willingness too help a beginer instead of trolling me too hell haha...or my favorite "use google for godsakes" -.-
Makes sense too a ceartin degree. The only thing im confused about is tucking them under?...isnt the whole point for the bud sites to pop up through the screen? Thank you for your patience adn help, both of you. ive given you both a plus rep for your willingness too help a beginer instead of trolling me too hell haha...or my favorite "use google for godsakes" -.-
Well, I understand your confusion. When I first started thinking about doing this, I could never figure it completely out in my head. It's one of those things that you have to do to really get a grasp of. But to answer your question...yes, it is the point to let them pop up though the screen, but not until you have filled the screen. You have to work them along as they grow, keeping them under the screen and training the new shoots to other areas. Think of it this way, instead of your plant growing up and up, your training it to grow sideways and then at the right time, you allow the shoots to come through the screen and you get 1 nice bud per hole that grows to maturity.
I love to help people out, so ask anything you want!
Okay that fillnig up the screen part makes ALOT of sense now. I got thiisss. I had 4 plants but two I tryed LST on and fucked up bad. so i got 2 decent sized one now and 2 babys just sprouted. The 2 decent sized ones have 2 weeks on the other 2 (veg) so im just gonna wait 2 weeks, get a chicken wire, some mre lights, and redo my grow space. Thanks for your help dude. Im subd for this and ill deff leave a link for mine when it gets going for help. I had a gorw journal for my current plantas that are almost done but my comp has a virurs and it takes FOREVER just to upload anything so i kida gave up on that one and decided too just start a new journal when i convert my SOG too a SCROG. Thanks again and GL!
Are you using 6400K lamps the whole way (hard to tell from pics) or are you switching to 24-2700K during flower? Or is it a mix of both?

Also sorry but how many plants are under the screen, and how long did you let it veg before switching to flower? What you are doing right now is exacltly what I am thinking (with the exception of adding a HPS during flowering (which I am debating, so if you are a CFL lover, convince me). Thanks for this awesome thread and hope to see more updates!
Are you using 6400K lamps the whole way (hard to tell from pics) or are you switching to 24-2700K during flower? Or is it a mix of both?

Also sorry but how many plants are under the screen, and how long did you let it veg before switching to flower? What you are doing right now is exacltly what I am thinking (with the exception of adding a HPS during flowering (which I am debating, so if you are a CFL lover, convince me). Thanks for this awesome thread and hope to see more updates!

Cmon man he just answered all this, just read through the forum man...