3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow


GEDC0417.jpgGEDC0431.jpgGEDC0432.jpgGEDC0433.jpgGEDC0420.jpgGEDC0421.jpgGEDC0423.jpgGEDC0424.jpgGEDC0425.jpgGEDC0427.jpgGEDC0428.jpgGEDC0429.jpgGEDC0430.jpgHey everyone I have not been using this forum because I could not upload photo's to it until now. I am a well knows active user on AFN forum atm. So what I have here is a 14x20 flower room filled with mostly Think Different auto's and a few others like diesel auto, Auto Wappa, AK Auto etc. Tony from Dutch Passion has guided me through this grow with a lot of other helping to. This is my first indoor grow and my first auto grow also. I love these DP Think Different's everyone is pulling 250-400 grams pp. I have Blue Dream, OG13, Strawberry Cough, Blue Cheese, MOB, Super Skunk and a few other photo sensitive strains cloning atm ready to fill this room when these are finished then after that I will be doing another TD grow. After this grow is done I am doing now I will be doing 4 4x8 flood tables using 16 Grow Northern LED light instead of 1000 WATT HPS lights over a scrog. I just moved these plants from a sealed 10x10 room with co2 as it was way to small and into the large room that is not sealed yet but they are doing just as well w/o the co2. I think co2 is more important during veg. anyways. So now the 10x10 is housing my mother plants and clones... I will try to give more info as I go but though I would share what I got going on atm. Any feedback is welcome Thanks


These are at WEEK 7 DAY 1 from seed. I will push the TD'S past the 85 day harvest DP says and onto about 100 days depending on tric development/color.


very nice. i hear many good things about think different.
I never considered auto's until I saw Seymour do his TD grow on youtube. Then I joined AFN and talked to him about it and took the step. And man am I glad I did. Some people don't like the fact that they take up to 100 days but the yield is worth it and the smoke is some of the strongest I have ever smoked. Dutch Passion has a new one that a few people on AFN are testing right now and it is going to be even better being that it is indica dom. unlike the TD which is sativa dom. for the most part... I would highly recommend anyone to grow it and if you have large lights it is the strain for you. It is a heavy feeder and mine are about 5 feet tall al ready. I feed advanced nute's at full strength about 1200-1300 ppm and they eat it up like its nothing
I never considered auto's until I saw Seymour do his TD grow on youtube. Then I joined AFN and talked to him about it and took the step. And man am I glad I did. Some people don't like the fact that they take up to 100 days but the yield is worth it and the smoke is some of the strongest I have ever smoked. Dutch Passion has a new one that a few people on AFN are testing right now and it is going to be even better being that it is indica dom. unlike the TD which is sativa dom. for the most part... I would highly recommend anyone to grow it and if you have large lights it is the strain for you. It is a heavy feeder and mine are about 5 feet tall al ready. I feed advanced nute's at full strength about 1200-1300 ppm and they eat it up like its nothing
autos used to be crap 4-5 years ago but they're good now. the auto big bang i just finished ate up the nutes like there was no tomorrow!


Thanks for the kind words diesel.....I am hoping somewhere near 300-350+ and also Tony from Dutch Passion seems to think it will be a large harvest too... Still have a while to go and anything can go wrong though but if everything stays good all the way through that's what I should be looking at.... He has yet to see anyone grow them under 3000 watts so he thinks a huge harvest is on the horizon for me lol I have sen TD grown under LED's and cfl and get 150-180+


I used 3 and 5 gallon pot and wish I used 7 gallon. also if done under a scrog then it will increase yield a lot... I had to move to a new room because I has 7 foot ceilings and they were hitting my lights so they get huge quickly