3000W HPS 10x5 Tent - GrapeApe, HinduSkunk, SnowCap, SSHaze, MasterBubbaKush


Ladies lookin lovely, can i ask how u came about your strain choices?
I picked up grape apes and ssh from San Fernando valley an area known for producing quality in la. Hindu and master came from my boy in garden grove, an older chap who knows and loves his stuff. The snowcap is our most protected strongest batch picked them up from Santa Cruz area from my best friend, also it's straight from Mendo county which is said to have created this strain a "straight true northern Cali indo chronic" those girls took a 12 hour trip to get and you can see why they're worth it.


As far as battle of the buds! I would really like y'alls votes for who looks better and who will produce the most hardiest nugs.
I think my supercrop will smash funks lst. But that's just like my opinion.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, updating from the road dude? youre a beast.

hahhahhahahha "thats just like your opinion". Your Super Cropping definitely looks like the favorite right now for the Battle of the Buds, but were gonna see if the LSTs equal light exposure can catch up in the next 9 weeks.

(you better make it in time to see the original Mr. Cuff Your Chick aka Wiz Khalifa or im gonna be heated)

"Yeeeaaahaaaaaahh W-E-E-D Radio" (c) DJ EZ-Dub


Well-Known Member
you know what else releases co2? YOU DO. when you breathe. you can just breathe on a plant. i'm sure it offers no help whatsoever. just saying. breathing also creates co2.
a very good and overlooked point.

People have always said that playing music for your plants helps, but in my opinion thats just misguided information. That rumor started off as people saying that if you SING (and/or TALK) to your plants they will be healthier. In my opinion, thats just because when you are directly talking or singing to your plants, you are directly breathing extra CO2 onto the plants. Thru time, that has evolved into "playing music for your plants makes them healthy".

thats just my $0.02.

*goes and sings some Lady Gaga to his plants*


Well-Known Member
depends on what your goals are and what you consider a "huge grow op".

A huge grow op for you could be a 10'x10' 6000W set up, a huge grow op for me would be a 40'x40' 20,000-30,000W set up.

Obviously with grow ops this size your ultimate goal is the bottom line, and thats return on investment.

Lets consider your huge op to be 10'x10' with 6000W HPS. Your set up and nutes alone for an op that large is gonna cost around $10,000 (not counting electricity costs). At the most youre gonna be running 80 small autoflowering plants (4 4'x4' trays in a 10'x10' and the trays hold 20 each max), which at the current cost of feminized seeds would run you $75 for 5 making 80 run another $1200. Another thing to consider is space, it takes a pretty particular situation to be able to fit a 10'x10' indoor grow area at your home and still have your home livable. If you have to rent office space or small warehouse that could run you another $1000/month for a total of $3000/grow in overhead for rent. At the most youre gonna yield 0.5oz (14g) per plant with your growing experience giving you 40oz or 2.5lbs. Depending on where youre located, you can probably get rid of it for $2800-3500 (considering the lowryder's potency isnt anything special). Which brings us here:

$10,000 - Set Up Cost
$1,500 - Electricity Cost
$1,200 - Seed Cost
+ $3,000 - Rent
$15,700 Total Cost For First 6000W HPS 10'x10' Grow

Now lets take the best case scenario for your strain and give you 2.5lbs and getting rid of them at top dollar $3,500 wholesale.

$3,500 x 2.5 = $8,750 Income From First Harvest

Subtracting that from total cost:

$15,000 - $8,750 = $6,250 Still In The Hole

After your first run you would still be in debt around $6,250 between you, meaning that your first grow didnt cover cost of set up (which is ALWAYS the goal of the first grow). Instead you could have ran normal plants, vegging for 4 weeks first (which would only add an extra month to your grow time from the autoflowering lowryders at the most), that would have yielded you 6+ pounds total which would not only cover your costs to get going but also already put you in the green some and give you the experience of running your set up with a real plant.

So, long story short, i think it would be a huge waste of time to invest any decent sum of money in a set up and running autoflowering plants.

Update coming soon.
Rent for 2.5 months = 4000$. Theft of electricity = 200$. 18ballast and bulbs off craigslist= 50x18=900$+ bulbs 200$ two 12inch inlines= around 400$ Used pots=40eachx450=180. Soilless mix for 450 plants = 14 bales=400$. 450 plants= 5each x450=2250. a pump and wand and some fans = 400$. A three part 6 gallon buckets= 100 eachx three = three hundred. Now thats the ghetto way. Add an extra 2000 for an Ac and an extra 1000 for the co2 setup. not to mention thermostats,poly, additives and knowlage. lets say with the ac co2 and the rest mention its gonna cost you about 12 grand. Now if you get a pound a light(rooks) thats 18 x 2200(B.C pk) 40000$ -12grand=28000$ now in the states you would make 18x4000?=72000-12=60000. With a setup that big you should be getting at least 1.5 a light without co2. 1.8 with.so 18x1.5=27x4000?= about 100,000 profit. or 6 months in BC jails or 5-10years in the states jails lol.


Well-Known Member
Lets keep the question answering in your own thread...thank you.

(and the #1 reason growers get popped...STEALING ELECTRICITY...never worth it)

Just fed and Go-Gnat'd the girls...pics coming later today.


Well-Known Member
more of a preventative measure...been seeing a few pop up here and there, decided to take em all out before they really start showing up.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking set up guys, professional as hell.

The girls look good too. Question for you though, do you adjust the ph of your soup when you feed? I ask as I've got a few big girls in veg right now and I have some of the same leaf twist that I see in some of your pics, I have it worse though. Seems it's from me not adjusting my ph when mixing nutes. It's not the end of the world and I am compensating for it now in an effort to correct before I flower.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking set up guys, professional as hell.

The girls look good too. Question for you though, do you adjust the ph of your soup when you feed? I ask as I've got a few big girls in veg right now and I have some of the same leaf twist that I see in some of your pics, I have it worse though. Seems it's from me not adjusting my ph when mixing nutes. It's not the end of the world and I am compensating for it now in an effort to correct before I flower.
We dont adjust PH at all. The Advanced Nutrients line has what they call "ph-ppm perfect technology" which very well just could be a marketing scheme but its been working fine for us. We check it everytime after were done mixing and its always at 6.5 so theres never a need for PH down/up. We just mix and pour and the ladies love it.

Update and pics coming later today.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. Just curious. Whatever you bros are doing seems to be working for you. Interesting, I didn't know that about AN. Keep up the good work fellas.


Well-Known Member
Vegging 8/23

Alright, ladies are looking awesome today. Watuptho Super Cropped a few more of the Grape Apes a couple minutes ago and i further LST'd my Hindu Skunk. Thursday, these girls will be going into flower so were just finishing up the last touches. Like i said, they got fed and Go-Gnat'd yesterday and wednesday will get a little flush before the switch over. Watuptho is thinking about investing in an O3 filter to further kill any smell that may escape the tent during flowering. Anyone used one before?

Anyways...here's what you all show up for...

Here's a few of the Grape Apes before getting Watuptho's Super Crop treatment.

Top view of the Grape Apes about to get Super Cropped.

The right tray with our shortys looking damn good.

Here's a very happy, healthy Hindu Skunk.

Front view of the right tray.

Nice little view of everything from the front left corner of the tent.

The Super Cropped Super Silver Haze reacting very well to the treatment.

Our soon to be a mother Snow Cap looking bushy as all hell...cant wait to get a full tent of these girls going.

This was the Hindu Skunk ive been using as a sample. Watuptho gave her the Super Crop treatment last night and she's already reaching back up to the light.

Here's the Master Bubba Kush looking fine with her bad self.

My LST'd Snow Cap ready to switch into flower and prove herself.

A freshly Super Cropped Grape Ape courtesy of Watuptho.

That pretty much wraps this episode of Growing With Funk & Watuptho make sure to tune in often this week as it should prove to be quite interesting. As always, any questions (about this grow), comments (about this grow), suggestions, critique and rep is very appreciated and will be answered in the timely manner in which we've displayed thus far. Hope you are enjoying the ride as much as us and thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
We snap pics with Watuptho's Nikon D40...things a beast. Our other homie has a Nikon D500 that shoots video in 720p that i want to get ahold of so i can chop some videos up for you guys. Watuptho has an HD flipcam though, so the videos could be here sooner than that.


Grows lookn great.. and im sorry if u guys think im retarded but i was really baked and wasnt thinking..SORRY.. and when i lst 2 mine i just tied a piece of string to the plant about 3/4 of the way up and tied the other end to a stick and bent my plant over a lil so the light could get 2 the bottom of the plants