3000w Trees doublejj style!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, no it's the bandana I have a hard time breathing thru. And yes I only vape.

I pulled a pound a light. But my plant numbers were very high. I have 2 rooms, 1 veg/clone, 1 flower. Always had 2 full set of plants going, 300+. Even in Cali that's pushing it. But I would fill the flower room with 150, 12" plants & take 400-500 cuttings after a week or 2. Keep 150 rooted clones in 4"x4" pots in the clone room. I have 1000w in the clone room of floro lights. By the time the clones root & get 12" tall their mothers are finished flowering at about 3'. I was pulling 3 lbs every 10 weeks. Remember I have CO2.

Now I get 3+ lbs with 12-15 plants, but I veg them much longer. But I stay legal this way.

I'll post some new pic's soon.



Well-Known Member
Man oh man, you like to stay busy. When am I going to see some white queen and or medijuana going on? My cousin pulled in 11 lbs and 10 ozs from 2 wq this year. 5x5 box 2 foot deep. Not done here but looking like 4 lb (each) from my garden.
Headed to Humboldt tomorrow, any specific strains you want me to pick up?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I have been busy watching the World Series & wiping the 'eye black' off of my face, GO GIANTS! Now does anybody know how do you get black dye out of your beard? lol!

Hey Hodge, I will be starting some of Medi next, thanks again, can't wait.



Well-Known Member
Hello jj-
Just checking in on you brother. Glad things went well for you in the carport this year. I still have 3 girls in the cage, I'm guessing 3-4lbs total in there still. My SR-71 Purple Kush is 11' and is 3' above the cage, she'll be 2-2.5lbs by herself. I'll start working on her Sunday sitting in front of the T.V. watching football. The Mind Bender X Afghangooey still has 2+weeks left to go, and Jack Herer about 10 days or so. Weather is outstanding....87 here today, unreal! I guess rain Sunday, good day to trim.
I have 15 girls in the tent about 24" waiting for phase 2 of my indoor grow, but i'm using that room to trim/dry in, so I got a bit of a traffic jam,...such is life.
Stay good brother, and congrats on your World Series..,......Dodger fan here!..........Can't believe I just said that, getting soft in my old age.:-(


Well-Known Member
IMG_1120.jpgIMG_1121.jpg JJ, I'm on my roadtrip but just had to share this with you, OG an Bubba Kush from a Humboldt source... Next goal is the Alpha-Diesel, hope to have it by sundown. Hey Treeman...


Well-Known Member
Hey Hodge.....aahhh....jj
Sounds like a BIG DOG there....Alpha Diesel.....Hodge we need to talk!.....LOL


Well-Known Member
Geez Doublejj.... you at it again already...lol... I'm a gonna start to get plant envy soon if you keep this up...lol. My own indoor grow suffered a huge hit .... out of the 6 plants started I am down to just 1 now. All my NL turned out to be males... arghhhhhh... couldn't believe my luck on that one...



Well-Known Member
Sorry guy's I've had some issues in my personal life that wouldn't allow me to continue updates.
Things went well, & the plants have been harvested. Not dry yet.
I do have another batch of 12 plants that have just moved from the veg room into the flower room, all Kush. I'll shoot a new video today & start over. Please bare with me.

Sorry,my bad



Active Member
Sorry to hear bad news man always. I just noticed you yesterday been lookin thru your shit, and am in aw. I love the carport greenhouse. And that video is funny. I'll be watchin if you keep postin keep it up man. Your inspirational!


Well-Known Member
im not trying to knock you but THATS ALL YOU GOT FROM 3 1000W AND CO2!!!!!!!!!!!! Your doing something wrong bro.... you need to change it up big time.

try getting some hoods bigger pots or do sog.

like i said im not trying to knock you just some constructive criticism. sorry if i sounded offensive and good luck on your next grow.