3000w trees!


Well-Known Member
Here's a shot of the Kush!

Thanks everyone, I try my best! I'm glad you appreciate it!

No filters, the chimney takes the smell straight up!




Well-Known Member
Nice and easy, as close to outdoor as indoor can get haha. Good stuff! Looking forward to final weight!


Well-Known Member
Well, we can't leave the forest bare for too long. So here is a new forest of 100% Kush!

They won't get as tall as the White Widow, maybe I'll grow some more WW next time.

But first to answers some questions.

My power bill runs $350-$400 month. I'm running about 4000w total in both rooms.

The Kush seeds came from Marc Emery about 10 years ago. The White Widow was given to me as a clone about 1 year ago.

Finally, here are some pictures of 12ea new Kush plants being transferred from the clone/veg room, into 15gal pots of organic soil. Foxfarm Ocean Forest & Happy Frog.

Even animals love the Kush Forest!

2 fresh tanks of CO2, hooked-up and ready to go.

These started clones will soon be transferred into 3gal pots & the cycle repeats!:weed:




Well-Known Member
First of all....:razz:

Hats off...:clap::clap::clap:

Now... no filter??? :o really??? and you have been at the same location for years???? and NO ONE SMELLED IT YET????

Wow! that is amazing...

You got BIG BALLS...:razz::clap::clap::clap::weed:


i wish i had all the room you did i would pack that bitch full sog nice shit bro i see u got with the co2 ha thats wuts up keep it up good shit !


Man u have serious jungle there :D way to go Bravo just missing Tarzan inside hehehehe :D Awsome Ladies .. Man!


Active Member
damn ive got a long way to go i bought all the filters lights hoods finally gettin little better yields after a lot of trial and error but nowhere near yours you r the king


Well-Known Member
Looks great dude.

I know they say horizontal...so does every other bulb. But almost half the light is sitting on your ceiling. I love your grow but for what you're doing you would yeild more with them vertically. They say horizontal cause they want you to buy a hood :)

If I was in a low humidity area this is how I would grow.