Yeah, they're pretty well ready so if you haven't found any bananas on any of them that could pollinate any other flowering plants you may have, no worries leaving them a few more days.
If you have seeds they've either been exposed to pollen from other plants, or they may have hermied and generated a few seeds. While I wouldn't grow out the seeds unless you know they were pollinated from another male somewhere, the smoke will be no different other than the seeds which you can just pull out. If it's personal smoke, seeded bud is no different than sensi bud imo. I breed on purpose and anything that I grow for seeds goes into either a personal smoke jar (chopped up from getting the seeds out), or into my hash bin. Only worry is where the seeds came from, takes a long time to grow out seeds and if they're prone to hermie, you'll likely end up with some hermie's from those seeds, they'll be fem seeds but questionable genetics. If they were somehow pollinated by a male, bonus, you have a bunch of free seeds. Hopefully you're not depending on selling the bud, if it's personal smoke no worries, it's all good.