32 days Flowering Bagseed budding babies


Active Member
one plant is a few months older than the other two and been stressed all its life, but its finally looking like its going to be something nicee.

The bear claw issue has been there for about a month now (not gotten worse or better) so not to worried about it.


The two smaller ones had a bit of nutrient issue few weeks back solved it, no problems since and both starting to bud up nicelyyy.


Well-Known Member
Yep still around but no grow at the moment...just one thing i see that i would do...remove some of the foliage on the inner part of the bushy plant especially with cfl's. It will allow for more light to get bigger buds and increase airflow, don't want mold. I'll hop on every now and then til i get my grow set up


Active Member
I was thinking about doing it, but wasn't sure if should do now, buy suppose I will when I get home from work.

when doing that, do you just cut the leaf, or the whole stem to the leaf.

thanks prosperian. just wish I knew what caused the bearclaw lol.


Well-Known Member
Plants are lookin healthy for the most part....if u just added 4 pack of cfls in there bro ud see a big diff in growth/bulk.....they're gonna take forever to finish like this


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Looks like the strain is heavy sativa and not a heavy producer since not many budding sites. Looks like couple different issues going on with the plants. Im gona say either over watering or getting nute salt build up due to the clawing. You have good air exchange in the area? I personally would have thinned some of the fans right before going to flower bit late now as you can stress it at this point in flower though.