35 Days in flower NOT enough Crystals WHY??? Plz Help

They look great for day 35... Just be patient. You'll be surprised at the change the buds will undergo between week 8 and week 10. It's usually the last 2 or 3 weeks that you see them start to fill in with true bud mass, and at the same time start to pack on the trichomes... It's a beautiful thing to behold!!! :)

And for bring an 11 week strain ( well SSH and SLH) they got a looooong way to go. I will have to start tying up branches soon, they are starting to sag bad...
I just think the way you titled this post was a mistake m8. You know your doin good so why start a thread in that manner, i was expecting pics of a plant that still looked in veg state or sumthin, like you had a major prob. Did you think you may get a indepth explanation why there arent even more crystals ?
Your plants have plenty of crystals man for 35 day imo. How many you want? you greedy git ! :D

So sorry If I offended any of you this tread started out as a joke

And the title to this thread is -- 35 days in flower not enough crystals why? I think is a valid question.

Fair enough, but which one is it? A joke or a valid q ?

Sorry guys I was trying to just get someone to look at my thread

You certainly did that bud.

Anyway man, all that aside. Bottom line is thats some nice fkn plants man. Good job.

I just think the way you titled this post was a mistake m8. You know your doin good so why start a thread in that manner, i was expecting pics of a plant that still looked in veg state or sumthin, like you had a major prob. Did you think you may get a indepth explanation why there arent even more crystals ?
Your plants have plenty of crystals man for 35 day imo. How many you want? you greedy git ! :D

Fair enough, but which one is it? A joke or a valid q ?

You certainly did that bud.

Anyway man, all that aside. Bottom line is thats some nice fkn plants man. Good job.


The thread did start off as a kind of joke Even when I said, "And the title to this thread is -- 35 days in flower not enough crystals why? I think is a valid question." The following sentance read, "I can honestly say there are not enough crystals on my plant I WANT MORE," Was yet again an attempt at some humor ( Iit was funny when I wrote it and yes I was a little buzzed),

And with regards to, " Sorry guys I was trying to just get someone to look at my thread" Some times it is hard to get peeps to look at your thread.

And Monty thank You for the cival responce, you are a gentleman and a scholar...... to the rest well that feel it is easier to flame someone than to be cival kindly piss up a rope:grin:

Oh and Monty, I do believe this parrot is nomore...
you got me to look but I looked to learn something and what I learned is nobody likes a show-off but,look at what he's showing pretty ladies cant be mad at that! I say haters lames marry hater bitches and have hater kids! I blame the parents...
Guilty, I was showing off a little--- But Man those Ladies deserve it. I absolutly love bud porn they are truly beautiful (not just mine, but in general) I just think these are above average looking is all.... Hell if I could I would carry pics in my wallet to show the guys at the office :D

So what can we really learn from this? Hmmm How can this be repeated? What causes the plant to produce trichs? How can we as growers produce this everytime?