Well-Known Member
He likes to get you guys riled up...but he does do it in a "arguably" correct and backed way. He does use things out of context and flip flops best in practice and best in theory all the time. But there is some validity to a lot of what he brings up and the way either side in this thread has gone about debating and discussion is not going to move forward.
He keeps talking about luminous efficiency, and just showed chlorophyll A's absorbance chart. Yeah, great backing evidence. The only valid points he made were never under argument in the first place, yet he acts like he's the only person to get it. I personally don't care if he does have a few things to say that makes sense if he can't say it in a way that doesn't make me want to break his nose.
I'm sorry I made a mistake about you and 730nm, but it was an honest one. I'm sure you can see why I made the mistake considering you're one of the only people not currently experimenting with 730nm at lights out. (unless that's a mistake too)