I understand, PB! My choice of wording could be better. I'm comfortable saying "most" rather than "nearly all", but I'm also not saying that the theoretical discussions are bad. I've followed your posts for a while and I know you are seeking to gain as much knowledge as possible and share what you learn. My comments were in no way meant to disparage anyone. Could not mention all the people doing great disciplined work in this forum and adding to the knowledge base, the list is waaaay too long. Regardless of how knowledgeable and experienced someone might be, speculation is still theory, extrapolating from known facts to postulate what could be a new truth. But it is important to speculate, theorize and discuss because that's how we learn, share and plan our next testing. Without a doubt, the better your background and experience, the better and more valuable those theories will be. Even the 'unproven' (quantitatively speaking) tribal knowledge derived from experienced growers is important to steer future testing, because we have a lot of very smart people here who love and know this funny plant well and their instincts are probably correct in many (if not most) situations.
Keep sharing, brother!
wow dude you sure are chatty! I get what your saying.