350mg of Diphenhydramine feel nothing


New Member
2nd time using this, but this time i feel nothing at all, not tired, nothing. Just absolutely NOTHING and its really pissing me off. Its a fucking sleeping aid, i take 14 pills and i feel nothing. Shouldent i feel tired or something at least? Last time took the same ammount, and couldent stay awake. Idk wtf is going on.


Well-Known Member
isn't this the same kid who was asking about rehab, etc? the thief who's gonna get shot stealing? i know you are 18 and don't realize the damage you are doing to yourself, your liver is already revolting i'm sure, but you gotta fuckin stop this shit man. NOTHING good is gonna come from it. you don't even get off on the shit you are putting in your body. my brother and i used to eat a shitload of tylenol PMs and see who could hold out the longest without passing out. i know where you are coming from.
isn't there anything or anyone you love? some one that would be crushed if you died? i know you don't really care what happens to you but damnit man don't you have a grandma or niece that would hate to lose you?
honestly you need to find something you love to do. you need to lose yourself in life instead of losing your life pal. :peace:


Active Member
He's a troll plain and simple. All you have to do is look at all his started threads to see it. His info is always changing from first grows, to multiple grows, age, blah blah, yadda yadda. Just a typical attention whore with diarrhea of the mouth, saying anything they can think of to get people to respond.


Well-Known Member
when all of what you have tried does not work then up the anti. RUSSIAN ROULETTE will provide a thrill, a high, and a let down.
Everything a drug will do in mins, hours, or days can be yours in only a few seconds.

You control your destiny. Do what ever you want.


Well-Known Member
Let him die, just one less person taking up space...maybe you should triple the dosage.
That's cold. Dude try melatonin. Buy it at any drug store. It's the chemical your body produces when it's time for bed. It does work. It can't harm you.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if 14 benadryl don't put you out you need detox and rehab, not a sleep aid. you don't want to end up like michael jackson.

buddha webb

New Member
Where i live i can buy,zanex,diazapam,lorazapam and all that shit in any pharmacy over the counter,,I used to eat 20 1mg zanex everyday and drink Thai Whiskey till i woke up in a cell or hospital...I woke up in a hospital in Bangkok after a 6 day drug seizure induced coma,id had 3 of these before...i was about 1 month away from dieing,,id been fucking myself up for 20 yrs....18 march 2007,,i woke up from my last coma and havent drank or drugged ,apart from 1mg zanex at night if i cant sleep,since..I have my life back.....and the kid whos still got the brain to be able to write needs to shut the fuck up because if hes talking straight he will be dead before hes 21 guarenteed....your 18 you can stop! youve still got your shit to do in this life!Junkies find it,they make it work,they get high,,,,,then they stop or die...simple..

Ahh Xanni the nannie is my friend. although its not just purchased at the corner mini mart.

buddha webb

New Member
I should also have mentioned,18 yrs of Heroin didnt fuck me up as much as the prescription drugs........i swear....they are the worst..there insipid!!and kill you very quickly..


Well-Known Member
50 mg`s of Diphenhydramine HCL and all I wanna do after an hour is go to bed. 25mg`s is pretty much similar. I feel it every single fucking time dude.... lol

Why the fuck are you sat around taking 7 sleeping pills? Do you really have NOTHING better to do?

Maybe you should just top em off with a 6 pack lol