368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal


Well-Known Member
yep once a week water as neccesary sme thing i do. sound like a good plan.

if it does not have roots then the very bottom of the net pot is fine if its got a root dangling lower it immediately the roots know where to go.


Well-Known Member
plus the root chamber tends to be very humid so water is distributed through the air so long as it is sealed most of the day and you are not in and out of it. it should be sufficient humidity to water a plant even if it does not have roots in the water yet, most poeple make sure its at the bottom of a cutting stem till they see root then lower it right after a couple inches at a time till its at a good level.

looking back you may also want to drop the humidity around the mother a little the high humidity could be playing a apart in its doop too.


Well-Known Member
humiditys not THAT high around her. worried that the soln isnt aerated enough. i have a 2 watt air pump with 2 airstone balls in there...think thats good? i think ill lower the water another inch or so...let her dry a lil more...thanks poly!


Well-Known Member
dont know about that air pump. ive only used the metal one. always oversize is my opinion

make sure to keep the water level in clone tray really really low too! forgot to mention that earlier


Well-Known Member
lol thanks matt. love the way you work.

poly your the man! thats kinda what i was wondering. i will let them dry out today and tomorrow too probably. i watered the other day cause it gets so hot during the day...didnt water yesterday though. i use foxfarm grow big for my nutes and half strength is almost exactly what i fed and will feed. how MUCH of that half strength do i use though? gallon per tote? more?

also, what about my new mother? lol. i think i fixed the droopy by lowering the nutrient level. i will go check now...
i havent watered my plants in over 4 weeks, they are outside and unless we have a 3 week drought i wont water them at all this summer


Well-Known Member
i havent watered my plants in over 4 weeks, they are outside and unless we have a 3 week drought i wont water them at all this summer
hows that are they in the ground my soil is bone dry by the end of the day where i am its fucking annoying. but somehow i manage to do 15 3 gal pots and 4 20gal? pots dont know BIG on 5 gal a day


Well-Known Member
im only feeding the tray when it gets dry. the whole tray is DEFINITELY doing better than the DWC setup. wtf. lol. so weird. some of them in the tray are like...5 nodes tall already. like i could flower them lol. i will post a comparison pic...


Well-Known Member
lol theyre both hydro technically...and every one of those was started at the same time...i think i overwatered the one in the bucket and did perfectly for the ones in the tray...


Well-Known Member
hey man, heres a update for you and Gas. you guys make me feel bad if i dont post :)


^^ Had to do it, started a seed about 6 days ago, Frisian Dew. want to see what she looks like after getting hit with that October frost.

here is my blueberry bubblegum that when I had to chop everything i couldnt do it to her, she was just starting to bud up so I chicked it into the back woods. After a bit i wanted to bring them up, this plan had some nicebuds on it so i cut off all I coukd smoke and repotted it and chucked itout with the rest......3 weeks later she is revegging and im thinking will be one hell of a plant in 4 weeks :)


Next up is two of a kind.....I repotted them and dont know which is which, one is Veno(poison) other is OG Kush, both are doing ectremely well but going through a reveg stage (started everything really early)


here is the NLxBB mot doing great but i do have it on a path to recovery, got her bent over like a ____________ (add noun), ripped it right out of the ground out back (literaly pulled it out of the ground like a weed) and put in a 2 gal pot, checked roots today and they were pretty strong/rootbound so i transplanted to a 3 gal pot, going to a 10 gal tote as soon as i get some more dirt. need to keep them roots going.


Next one is just a bagseed, i know its a female. (something about bagseed intriguese (spelling lol im baked)) anyways these seeds are from a bag of pretty dam good herb. see what happens i guess. also tied over


and hwere are my blue cheese clones


ok so i went out today and used some fishing line to tie down anything that was looking scraggely. been watering past week because of the heat and no rain, everything seems to be going well i thing its going to be a pretty booming next 4 weeks (mid august im force flowering to beat father winter)

thinking about LSTing the bigger plants...hell whats it going to hurt right?


Well-Known Member
Looking good Matt. Just wish that NLxBB was doing it's thing with a bit more style. Keep the updates coming :)


Well-Known Member
the NLxBB was yanked out of the ground and stressed out pretty bad, also sat in the woods for about 4 weeks prior so I think it will make a decent comeback.


Well-Known Member
ok im back! i started a new job thats an 8 to 5er...so adjusting to the new schedule has made me WAAAYYY too tired to do anything after work. i did go to my NEW local hydro store and pick up net pots and hydroton. which means its time to order my new tent and air pump and air stones. wicked excited. my mother is definitely growing now, which is awesome. my tray of clones started getting pretty bad with minimal care...but i can prune em up well enough to pick out the best 8. dont know what ill do with the other 10. i wanted to plant em in some soil but, dont think that can happen. dont have the soil...or place to grow em outdoor in privacy...

ANYWAY...pics coming soon...


Well-Known Member
ok im back! i started a new job thats an 8 to 5er...so adjusting to the new schedule has made me WAAAYYY too tired to do anything after work. i did go to my NEW local hydro store and pick up net pots and hydroton. which means its time to order my new tent and air pump and air stones. wicked excited. my mother is definitely growing now, which is awesome. my tray of clones started getting pretty bad with minimal care...but i can prune em up well enough to pick out the best 8. dont know what ill do with the other 10. i wanted to plant em in some soil but, dont think that can happen. dont have the soil...or place to grow em outdoor in privacy...

ANYWAY...pics coming soon...
plenty of back woods around but growing 10 plants in the woods is alot of work/time/money just chuck em :)


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking. soon as i get the laptop back from the wifey i gots some pics for yalls...lovin it!

*edit* so i just went through my old pics that i have uploaded...and by old i mean from 20 days ago. i will def have to upload some new ones of my garden it is INSANE! lol i hardly noticed but holy shit...wife still has the laptop...grrr lol


Well-Known Member
from a couple days ago...

to tonight...

not too terrible. finally showing roots through the bottom. i think shes guna blow up soon. or rather, is in the process of. amped! ordering the pump and tent soon. cant wait to fill those totes up! the clones will appreciate it too. theyve been through some shit. lookn pretty haggard at the moment.