368watt CFL Grow Northern Lights, and Fruity Chronic Juice+Upgraded Cab


Well-Known Member
me too roots....I knew you'd be OK :) Enjoy the view and I just know ur nuggies will blow away anything those Jamaicans can produce...lol!


Active Member
Wow chief, I nearly held my breath just reading that. I would have either died right there or pissed my pants.
Oh I was close but I held it together...
need a hand with that? lol
I sure could use the helping hand LOL
Scary story there chief, I don't think I would have approached the dog, buddy or not.
Glad everything turned out for the best Roots.
I thought about that but, even he wouldn't been able to help if I ran away from someone calling my name, it would've looked soo bad.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't really afraid!!(right). So chief you know the feeling ha ha. I can't believe its almost time to flush. It seems like just yesterday the girls got their grow on. Dam that was fast. Your right catt. I'm going to show the Jamaicans what good weed taste like. The scary part os how much this shit stinks! Thanks for your prayers guys and gals. Weeds would have been one thing but i would have been toast of they bagged me with fentanyl and chit. I have my work cut out for me if I plan on getting through this stuff in seven days so I better get to it. Love Roots.


Active Member
I wasn't really afraid!!(right). So chief you know the feeling ha ha. I can't believe its almost time to flush. It seems like just yesterday the girls got their grow on. Dam that was fast. Your right catt. I'm going to show the Jamaicans what good weed taste like. The scary part os how much this shit stinks! Thanks for your prayers guys and gals. Weeds would have been one thing but i would have been toast of they bagged me with fentanyl and chit. I have my work cut out for me if I plan on getting through this stuff in seven days so I better get to it. Love Roots.

Enjoy your vacation Bro.


Well-Known Member
You would catt! When it get's legalized you're all invited to my house to get lit. But until then I will retain secrecy!


Well-Known Member
can't wait till harvest Chief.....I feel like it's been FOREVER since you started your girls.
How's the NL lookin? Is she the most amazing angel she appears to be in her photos?
Sounds like my ladybud and your fruity chronic juice should have a little rendevous. I just have this feeling they would "hit it off" ... ;)


Active Member
The mix those two would make would be Orgasmic, and the NL smells so sweet, and the buds are filling in quite nicely, I will take some pics tonight with my hand holding some of the Ladybuds on her.


Active Member
Ok this is off subject to a point but if anyone wants to get super baked do this-1. get a blanket that your not going to sleep under 2. get some good weed and roll up 3. get under the blanket and get air tight in the blanket 4. KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED for the most part. and with your head at the top of the personal tent I cant even hang a whole blunt, and the feeling once you come from under the blanket feels sorta like you just been rescued from dying. DO IT... that is all