as i got the system it originaly looked like this..
its not porportioned right it make no sence in my brain to me the old old way was worse i think they seen pics of our crew cuz they made the manifold like ours but a lil bit off set still.. and so i will go threw our changes and earor and new shit and old errors this is the way ours goes..
this was the old way bad news the light its not good in water at all.. unless steril..okay three dee printer will come into play in just a minute... So i went back to the old way because it doesnt mater amount of plants it still gets the same amount of flowers ill explain later but for know i need to get to the 3d printing..
i went back to the original desighn that our crew came up with mostly old man rickster i took it to the next level. notice the pvc pipe that holding the chanber up i make it longer so that i can spead the chambers open like a
V shape it alows a biger canopee you can manibulate the arms to get an even squar on top let me show you
well as you can see they can breath its important eventualy youll get to see crazzy nugs but i got tired of cleaning the chanbers very hard 3" holes im a man and unless you got a pritty lil gal that can fit her hands in side to clean very clean i have to add it wont work if not cleaned right well my doesnt like it at all so i cut into the canber to get at the inside i cut off the lil serkles and make new ones and hypoxi them on also and new laser lines they make the laser lines man id like to talk to them they fucken suck big balls i redid the laser lines so that no gunk gets cloged at the end they left like 5 inches for water to sit at the back of it bad news i wont post every change ill just post what i have and what i need to do...
and then i cocked the lid back on and hypoxied a aluminum metal so that the top can stay put as i caulked it back together..