3rd day drying... mold . WHY?


Well-Known Member
this is the 1st time i'v had this and its only on the main cola.

really am pissed , just checked the buds and noticed dark patches in the middle of the cola.. strain is easyryder autoflower, and the bud was real fat and dense.

the humidity wher i live has been rocketing lately so thats the only reason i can think of.. the buds not hanging either i'v just had them layed out on A4 paper in my bedroom draws..


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well to start with if they are in drawers then this is pretty much a sealed environment which will promote mould growth, you need to ventilate while drying. The humidity will also be a problem which causes mould.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply's , yeh none of the smaller bud seems to be affected but i dont have anywhere ventilated to hang them really , it's stupid hot eveywhere at my place :/

any suggestions?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
With regard to mouldy bud, don't smoke that. Have a loiok into makiing hash with it etc.

With regard to ventilation, it is vital. No ventilation means nowhere for the air to go and as such nowhere for the water to go. Think of it like a humidity dome. As the bud dries the air will just become more and more humid, causing issue. By ventilated i really mean just not in a drawer. You could leave the drawers open and this would be of a huge help. The temperature in your home is a different matter though.


Well-Known Member
With regard to mouldy bud, don't smoke that. Have a loiok into makiing hash with it etc.

With regard to ventilation, it is vital. No ventilation means nowhere for the air to go and as such nowhere for the water to go. Think of it like a humidity dome. As the bud dries the air will just become more and more humid, causing issue. By ventilated i really mean just not in a drawer. You could leave the drawers open and this would be of a huge help. The temperature in your home is a different matter though.
hell no , i aint smoking this , and i dont have the tools or time to be making hash really.
i'v nearly always dried my buds this way with no issues, infact it can take less time doing it this way than hanging them somewhere. But no doubt your right as the humidity is ridiculas at the moment,
i have moved the rest of the bud hanging in a cupboard under the stairs where it is alot cooler and some airflow is passing through.
oh well i guess its a learning curve and my whole crop isn't damaged. touch wood


Well-Known Member
so you spend 3+ months growing a plant and you want to cut drying from a week to 3 days? take your time.
no i spend 2 + months growing the plant, like i said it normally dries in there fine. clearly the humidity hasn't been like this when i'v had them in there before...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ok, i will. just let me smoke this bong of non molded weed i properly dried after spending 11 weeks growing it.
So you're sat here having a go at someone because something went wrong in the drying process? Sounds like a bit of an arsehole attitude to me. Do you also laugh at people when they get spider mites?


Well-Known Member
Wow stoner was just trying to help. I love when he chimes in on my questions, he knows a lot about what we do. sorry stoner for that kind of behavier on this site


Well-Known Member
it was an asshole remark. i admit it and i meant it. we have all this info available to us now, something just a few years ago was unheard of, and you see all these posts on here about problems but nobody wants to search and read about what to do on their own. look up drying and curing procedures, theres tons. what the hell ever happened to common sense? im really sorry you have the mold problem, but a few mins of learning would have saved you. air flow is key to drying. hanging is best.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
He did not have to read up about all that stuff because as he said in the past he has dried in this location and manner without any issues. Why change what isn't broken as the saying goes. Only now the system has broken. If i had dried successfully in a certain way times before, then i would work on the assumption that it would dry in the same manner this time round.

Shit happened, nothing more.