3rd day sprout showing female buds

ok so i have a 3 day old sprout.... showing no leaves but instead BUDS with PISTIL!!!!!!!

ok lets just start by how i germinated...

i used .1-.05-.07 soil, i put it in white foam cups and at 1/2 strength i used superthrive to slightly moisten the soil.

i let seeds soak for 24 hours in water with "jumpstart"
i germinated seeds in wet paper towel method for 24 more hours untill i saw seeds crack open.

i planted seeds 3/4 inch deep in moistend and let sit 15 min to dry soil.

i coverd the cups with plastic wrap and let sit under my 3x 23w cfl 6500k setup.

day 2 i had sprouts one had its seedcase still on it so i gently removed it. it left a yellow spot.

day 3 i had leaves already growing except for on one. when i looked closer i could see .......... female naughty parts.......

idk wtf is going on but this is intence, i am 100% positive what i am seeing here...



Mutants I have a bunch of 3 leaf clones that you would never guess to be MJ
so is this a common mutant? i have never ever seen it before and i been reading on forums for countless hours. and all day today trying to find more info.

what should i expect as far as life, i assume it should grow leaves ... soon... hopefully..


Well-Known Member
I was going to say its some mutant X bred with an autoflower strain, but the last pic looks like the "pistol" is actually the leaf vein sticking out, i bet it'll grow out normal now, i've had worse grow out normal. Please update. Peace.
I was going to say its some mutant X bred with an autoflower strain, but the last pic looks like the "pistol" is actually the leaf vein sticking out, i bet it'll grow out normal now, i've had worse grow out normal. Please update. Peace.
well there are definantly leaves growing above it and i can say that it definantly wasnt a vien but actual buds. though i do expect it to grow normaly now, if not quicker or slower then the rest. i will definantly keep this thread up to date .


Well-Known Member
Yea that like givin a baby a t-bone steak that was injected with the most potent bbq sauce. cmon now man, that baby need milk.
y dont you try not nuting seedlings then mayb u wont gets mutations
ya know this website is not as nice as grasscity. this site has alot of jackasses smartasses and straight up asses.

this is my first grow. my soil has .1-.05-.07 nute in it.

using superthrive is just b12 with a few other lil things in it and i used it at 1/4 strength and uses straight ph adjusted water ontop of that .

using jumpstart is a great way to get the seedlings going 100% germination rate (once float tested to pull out the bad ones)

now nutes could be the reason i have a mutation problem sure. i can see how that could happen. but how bout not being a jackass when you bring it up?

if being on this site, reading stupid things, makes you frustrated enough to be a jackass maybe you should find something better to do with your time.:hump:

maybe i wont keep this thread updated just because with this 2nd post that is douchebag, it makes me wonder if this forum really is worth it.. grass city people are so much nicer then this THUG filled pos site... i have seen nothing but rude posts and seemingly uneducated replies as well as just down right street talk. honestly thats not my cup of tea, i am white, if i have to sound racest saying so, then maybe i dont belong here.



Well-Known Member
ya know this website is not as nice as grasscity. this site has alot of jackasses smartasses and straight up asses.

this is my first grow. my soil has .1-.05-.07 nute in it.

using superthrive is just b12 with a few other lil things in it and i used it at 1/4 strength and uses straight ph adjusted water ontop of that .

using jumpstart is a great way to get the seedlings going 100% germination rate (once float tested to pull out the bad ones)

now nutes could be the reason i have a mutation problem sure. i can see how that could happen. but how bout not being a jackass when you bring it up?

if being on this site, reading stupid things, makes you frustrated enough to be a jackass maybe you should find something better to do with your time.:hump:

maybe i wont keep this thread updated just because with this 2nd post that is douchebag, it makes me wonder if this forum really is worth it.. grass city people are so much nicer then this THUG filled pos site... i have seen nothing but rude posts and seemingly uneducated replies as well as just down right street talk. honestly thats not my cup of tea, i am white, if i have to sound racest saying so, then maybe i dont belong here.

lmao do you see the hypocrisy in your post? Or maybe you have an ostrich sized neck and your heads up your ass. If grasscity so great then why not go back. Like the dude said dont give a baby nutes like you wouldnt give him a tbone steak. you ever see a baby eat a tbone steak? that shit aint pretty buddy. :peace:


Well-Known Member
ya know this website is not as nice as grasscity. this site has alot of jackasses smartasses and straight up asses.

this is my first grow. my soil has .1-.05-.07 nute in it.

using superthrive is just b12 with a few other lil things in it and i used it at 1/4 strength and uses straight ph adjusted water ontop of that .

using jumpstart is a great way to get the seedlings going 100% germination rate (once float tested to pull out the bad ones)

now nutes could be the reason i have a mutation problem sure. i can see how that could happen. but how bout not being a jackass when you bring it up?

if being on this site, reading stupid things, makes you frustrated enough to be a jackass maybe you should find something better to do with your time.:hump:

maybe i wont keep this thread updated just because with this 2nd post that is douchebag, it makes me wonder if this forum really is worth it.. grass city people are so much nicer then this THUG filled pos site... i have seen nothing but rude posts and seemingly uneducated replies as well as just down right street talk. honestly thats not my cup of tea, i am white, if i have to sound racest saying so, then maybe i dont belong here.

Fucking idiot, you suck as well as newb thriving grassshitty.


Well-Known Member
Well he aint lieing, he was looking for help and you guys were acting like little ignorant douche bags.


Well-Known Member
ppl just need to chill and smoke one i didn't mean to sound like i was bringing anybody down i've made the same mistake before