3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed


Active Member
I'm 3-4 weeks into my current grow, and only 2 of my 6 seedlings turned out to be Females. I know your pain! :(


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to get home and take a look at the plants (will have been 24 hrs). hopefully nothing has grown into the lights. pictures in a few hours if i'm not too tired. for now i'm gonna keep getting paid to be a slacker. lol.


Well-Known Member
good news all around. nothing grew into the lights and I have one confirmed girl! I had to look pretty close, but I found some hairs buried in the new leaves on top on the smaller plant. I'm really happy that one ended up being a girl as I like that it has stayed nice and compact. anyway, time for some pictures. She's a little droopy, but they got a good watering and should be set for the next day or two. also, I've been looking into my options for transplanting since I haven't really come up with pots I like from hardware stores. Found online that there is a hydroponics store pretty close by, so may go check that out this week and see if they have something closer to what I want.



Well-Known Member
Got them transplanted a couple days ago, so far they are doing well in their new homes and a dose of superthrive to help them transition. Right now its just over 2 weeks into flowering and my girl is putting out hairs like crazy. The other one still seems to be taking its time deciding what it wants to be, but thats cool since I clearly have two totally different sets of genetics. For being less than 6 weeks into my grow, I'm pretty happy with how well things are going.

As for my soil that I'm using I have MG Organics choice. Now before anyone goes and rips me a new one for using MG anything, let me say that i've used it before with no problems, so keep your nasty opinions on MG products out of here since I really don't give a f***. You have to understand what your working with and adapt. Also, I reuse soil, so most of the nutes were gone from the soil when I started. For now I use MG nutes as well, but I'm careful about how much I use and how often. I may see about getting something different since my discovery of the Hydro store nearby. For my lights I have three 42w in 2700K and I think three 26w in something close to that plus a couple 23w somewhere around 6000K.

Anyway, pics tonight when the lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
so far its not been a great day. timer override switch was turned on this morning, so my plants got more light than they were supposed to. grr. hopefully it won't mess them up. Also, was cleaning my pipes this morning and broke the mouthpiece on my bowl. good news is I got a beautiful new piece at the local headshop this afternoon. gonna inaugurate her and hope the rest of the day goes well :)



Well-Known Member
I'm also starting my fourth cfl grow, have three going right now and they're only like 2 weeks old and I'm using a cardboardbox to grow em in so its totall
y stealthy I'm planing a sea of green approach or lst, I've done this with great results before..

Well best of luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Not much to report on. Girl is filling out nicely. The other one has many preflowers, but nothing yet to convince me its a female (tho I don't have great hopes for it to be since it doesn't smell the same). i'm hoping within the next couple days it will show sex, especially if its gonna be male, so I can pull it and give my girl all the light she can get.


Well, ask yourself this, do you see trichomes? I started flowering my two plants the same night i posted on the 26 of june, due to advice here :) Well anyway about 1 week later one of my plants started to have little white dots on all the leaves new and old, while the other continued to grow as normal, no dots. Both plants had preflowers. About a week later as you can guess the plant with the dots everywhere ended up female and the other was male. Might be different with other grows, but maybe this'll be help :) Awseome progress!!!

Btw, have you thought of using LST for height management?


Well-Known Member
both plants are doing well despite the crazy heat we have been having. My temps look to have maxed out at around 86 degrees which is pretty warm, but not a whole lot I can do. would be much worse if the lights were on during the day rather than at night. been giving both plants small doses of molasses every few waterings for the last week or so. My girl is still looking awesome. packed with buds all the way to the bottom branches :D I've spotted some very small hairs coming out of a couple of the preflowers on the second plant, so hopefully this is a good sign, tho she sure is taking her time. The second (and taller) one has been growing like crazy, so I've been moving the lights up nearly every day. Wanted to get some more light down towards the bottom of the plants, so I dropped two more 20w bulbs down to the side. Working with a total of 234w now!


Well-Known Member
Actually, that would be good lady not sir. lol. anyway, pics as requested. Just snapped a few since its miserably hot and humid as you can tell from the thermometer in one picture. Been making sure they stay well hydrated since I have no solution for the excess heat until the temps drop outside.

