3rd grow, how am I doing

Hi guys,
this is my 3rd grow, just wanted to know what you guys think of the progress?
its in week 4 from seed and is Lemon skunk. 180 pro grow led.
i am scrogging and wanted to know if it looks ok so far?



Well-Known Member
Thats not scrog thats lst and super crop u neet to top it spread it open under a screen.for scrog



Well-Known Member
Lookin' green/healthy, though a little dark. No burns or anything though, good job... you can probably plateau the nutrients or even lower them a bit for a week or so. In my experiences with growing MJ, less is almost always more. Good job on the 3rd grow though, keep on truckin' brother.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's a really nice looking plant. How are you liking the led? I'm may be getting a 100w led and maybe another, I have 3 babies started right now.
For me, led was the only option as I just grow the one plant in a small space. Heat is no problem. It's a 180 watt and is more than sufficent for my space. It's safe, keeps cool and quiet. Highly recommended.