3rd grow: The Purps & God Bud


Well-Known Member
Hello. Today, we are starting our 3rd "successful" grow. We chose the purps and god bud because so far, we have only had males or hermies with these. So, hopefully we will have better luck. I'm starting these out in Scott's potting soil. For the most part, this is non-enriched soil. Except for like .01% phosphate..(all they had at home depot). These first will be put into the Vegging chamber underneath a total of 600 watts(cfls), then they will go under a 600 watt hps. I'm hoping this grow will come out better than my others, since we are using soil with no nutes, and we will be able to control what all goes in. I was thinking about going organic with fox farm, however, I wanted to try it this way first since I already have the fertilizers and everything. If this doesn't show better results, then maybe next time we will try Organics. I've still got 4 plants flowering now, but why not start some babies.


Well-Known Member
wow I didn't think i'd have any comments that fast..lol But yes im very excited for this 1. Ive been so anxious to get some females from these babies. How was the God bud? you got some females im assuming? If anyone has any advice or anything to add please do. I really want to see an increase on yeild this time around.


Well-Known Member
My God Buds were very bushy and I got a little over 2 oz dried from each of them. Were did you get your seeds?:peace:


Well-Known Member
We got the seeds from Bcseedking.com . I hope we have a decent yield on the current grow. But im sure ill see better results with this grow.


Well-Known Member
SO ... Im on day 3, and no sprouts yet* Hopefully they will soon. Im eager for these little babies. Ill have pics when they sprout*


Well-Known Member
man.. still nothing yet.. im being patient though.. however, we did harvest 1 girl this week . we got 4 and a half oz's from her. I was very happy, cuz that was more than the last time. And we have more finishing flowering also. But here's a pic. they look alright, but i wish they looked better.



Just some idiot
Looks good to me. Good luck with the new grow. I'll be watching, I have some Purps seeds that I will be using after my current grow.


Well-Known Member
what up bro!

good luck on your grow, unofficial but using superthrive seems to be a big difference a long with low stress the first three weeks of the seedling/plants' life, in getting more females. i think you will be happy with the results either way. what nutes will you be using? do you yhave a seaweed extract? grea folier feed to develope roots. i use nitrozyme but at the suggestion of babygro there is cheaper stuff out there. will you be keeping them as mothers if you get a couple good seeds. i mom gre god bud one year and i grew pretty small from clone, maybe a good candidate for a SOG. ]

will be checking in. peace


Well-Known Member
Well I really dont like cloning, I'd rather grow from seed. maybe b'c my past attempts have failed from ppl not knowing what they were talking about. i just wanna learn shit the right way so I don't look like a dumb ass ya know. I have so many different seed types anyways. we buy them all the time. we use general hydroponics flora nova, bloom and veg nutes. we just put them into soil and they've sprouted up finally. one's showing its 2 little leaves and the others are starting to poke through the soil.


Well-Known Member
lol right. we still wanna get some more.. i want Mazar and some type of blueberry and some type of Kush. those would be nice. but for an update, all 5 babies germinated. i'll put up some pics when they don't look like little specs of green in a pic.


Well-Known Member
well, the babies are about a week old now. going strong. when should i start adding veg nutes, about 3 weeks? my first grow i f*ed up, 2nd i had miracle grow and didnt add veg nutes cuz i was silly, but now they're in scotts soil with 0-0-0 so i can finally add it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so now the babies are 11 days old and everything was going good until now. Im using a new soil, Scotts with no nutrients added. so they started getting brown patches on some of the leaves and looking like they needed some ferts. So we added 3 ml/half liter. very little, and they look worse.. I know ppl say miracle grow is shitty, but as far as seedlings go, my others thrived in miracle grow. any opinions.. Ph is good, I check that all the time. temps are about 80.


Well-Known Member
SO I cant get good pics, my camera sucks ass.. this sucks. I wonder what the hell the problem is.. I just ordered the Co2 boost online. it was like 135 dollars after shipping. I know its expensive, but I wanted to try it atleast once. See if buying it makes a difference than making it. maybe this is why they are growing so slow. they're still tiny, i figured they'd be a little further than this. Ive really gotta get pics.