3RD grow white widow

kush fario

Well-Known Member
hey man lookin good ive just started a grow with white widow my first one with this strain got any quick pointers


Well-Known Member
hey up pointers err no not really
i`m still on the learning curve myself lol
soz bud


Well-Known Member
ive just upgraded my veg room from 2 x 20w cfl`s 2 x 15w floras to 1 x 150w Hps
i hope that makes them grow a tad quicker and better
pics to follow


Well-Known Member
lookin good maf,there should deffo see a difference,i was gunna kick off with cfls but everything i read said if you can go hps for better results :)


Well-Known Member
well if i see a difference in the next few weeks i will keep it but if not al revert back to cfl cos there cheaper lol
but i`m sure the amount of lumens coming off the hps will be adiquate compared to cfls lol


Well-Known Member
not a great amount more but that light will be on 24/7 lol so mounts up slowly
hey ive been looking at the envirolite timer/contactor today and looks light a great investment


Well-Known Member
yeh no probs
ive been using rooting power and i aint too keen on it and it dont taste right nice lol only kidding it has a sweet taste nah on a serious note i thought i would try the gel as most people use it
and the water storing granuals i thought i would try on 1 plant and see if it helps


Well-Known Member
ive had a quick look on the FAQ but cant really find much info on the distance a 400w HPS light needs to be away from the plants can someone please avise me.
your hps should be as close as possible to your plants as they can get without burning them... a good rule of thumb is to put your hand underneath your light and if it feels too hot it's probably too hot for your plants.


Well-Known Member
cheers for that bud ive ajusted my lights now thanks

just bought a ph tester and its reading 7.0 so i need to lower it somehow ?


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem 7.0ph but my plants dont seem to be suffering(quite the opposite).ive seen this stuff in an aquarium centre called PHDown 6.5....it automatically sets your waters ph level to 6.5 when added...i might give it a go....its about £8 from pets at home prollt cheaper elsewhere


Well-Known Member
yeh ive been looking in the holland hydroponics catalog they sell it
i might have a look tomorrow when i go to the shop i`m buying some bio bizz all-mix 20l superthrive 1oz and some pots so i might get some ph-down while i`m there
i went today but didnt find the shop because i was rushing (car M.O.T)
al keep u posted


Well-Known Member
is there any plants you can buy which i can grow with my ladies in flower which fly`s dont like cos i have a few of the little beggers buzzing round ?