3rd week and still no buds.. ?

My plants are about 3' 6" tall and they are going into their 3rd week of flower and still no sign of bud only a few hairs..is this normal. this normal? they are some type of haze i believe,
im on 12/12 but not always exact on the time when they are turned off or on give or take 10 mins sometimes does this matter???
Yes you need a timer.Without a timer you can mess up your whole light setup and cause you plant to hermie.Thats probably why its taking long now.
Sativas usually take up to 12 weeks so u should start seeing white hairs forming everywhere.
weed 001.jpgweed 002.jpgthe first pix you can see that no bud formation only hairs, and the second one as well.. the front right (lengthy is the plant iave have many problems and i think it wont produce much bud .. im using fox farm line.. any one else know what i can do.. working on the timer for the 400 w


New Member
Ok aside from all the light leak advice and stuff people gave here, assuming you fixed those problems: It happens, sometimes plants don't really even start budding for a very long time, one of my plants took like 2 months of 12/12 before it really had descent size buds one time (extreme example)...It doesn't mean your yield is gonna be shit necessarily, I have seen some plants not even really explode till like week 7, 8, 9 and I was thinking the whole time 'wtf am I gonna get like a joint off this' but it worked out good in the end..You just need to be patient
Thanks deprave thats my first grow.. and yea im hoping they will explode. i was just worried, i didnt wanna get crappy yeild im tired of buying weed. but anyways ill post if they do show something in a week rep for everyone for the quick response thanks