3rd week of flowering!!


What time do you think I should start flowering since I don't want it to get to 6 feet tall.
Mine is about 1 and half week old. 5 pots and I have them all under a 150 Watt metal halide floodlight.

Puff puff, bye.


Well-Known Member
well they typical double in size during flowering... so use that as a basis for your decision... but id say no sooner than 4 weeks after you start veg.. it takes about that long for the plant to reach full maturity.... so youll get the most out of your plant...


Well-Known Member
well heres the update... i went ahead and trimmed the bottom shoots from my plants... i waited this long pretty much to find out which shoots would produce and which shoots are just draining energy... especially with the girls being multi-potted and fighting for space, nutes, and water already i figured it will be best for them... gotta water and nute them today anyways... give them some thrive alive to help them not be to shocked... ill post some comparitive pictures here in a little while... before and after their hair cuts.... not enough of a difference in bud growth to put pics of them up tho... pretty much like the last ones.. well they are bigger.. just not enough to be able to compare with my phone camera...


Well-Known Member
so here are a few pics after i trimmed the girls up... nothing special... what i do think is cool is the plant in the first two pics that is almost growing at a 90 degree angle... her and one other of the girls are a bobblekush/crystale mix... and both of them are growing at weird angles... it doesnt seem to affect the bud production at all.... i'm starting to try to straighten the other one up... i tied it to a hook on the wall and plan on looping the hook a couple times a day.. i counter balanced it by tieing a string around the front pot with the crazy plant... it seemed she wanted to start laying down more and more... im thinking maybe weight from buds?? and the further along the worse it would have gotten... the one you see in front hasnt wanted to "lay down" any further than she already is so ill prolly let her go... since i trimmed the bottoms down ill prolly top the pots off with some soil or stones or some shit... add a little more support to the stems... help em out a little bit... anyways.. thats about it... no more mites... buds are swelling like tina turners eye... that be it for a few days...



Well-Known Member
nice structure on her. im waitin until mine gets a little bigger to picture that, i cant move my fingers under her to remove dead leafs LOL.


Well-Known Member
thats how it was before i trimmed... getting to dead leaves or even just trying to get the spout of my watering can in to water the girls was beginning to be a chore... hard core pain in the ass.. but since the trim its been easy.. i seriously spent an hour trimming them tho... not because i took that much off... but because getting to where i needed to cut was a pain... anyways they seem much happier..
i went in and checked to see if they were shocked, and nope.. they arent... buds are still swelling very nicely day to day... i wish i had a better camera... i use my phone, which has a 5mp camera.. it takes nice pictures from a distance.. but if i want to get a close up of a bud or of some trichs i end up with a blurry subject... but the back groud will look nice... and it doesnt light compensate very well either...


i took some new pics anyways... mostly for a visual comparison from the last week of growth.. wanted to see myself... but figured id share them with you all too... the first 4 are from day 20... the second 4 are day 27.. almost half way there i think/hope... tomorrow ends week 4/starts week 5... still have the 6 week explosion to look forward to also... plus a bulkening supplement i am not supposed to use till 2 weeks before harvest i believe... itll be an interesting next few weeks for sure...



Well-Known Member
im feeln ur bro, on the how hard it is to get ur freakn hands back there, to pull yellow leaves, with all the underbrush filled in. u prob did them justice, less popcorn nugs more top cola production, hope it works will for u, and maybe gives u some room to water and figet around the area with out all those worthless side shoots in the way. stopp by some time simpsonsampson late


Well-Known Member
where is it that im stopping by?? and how late is late?? i feel like i do when i get stoned and forget what i was supposed to do...

but ya i love them trimmed... honestly its the first time im ever done any major pruning to my girls... 7th grow i think... first time pruning.. always worried about hermies, males, stunted and poor growth... all those things we all worry about.... but it seems it does more good than bad... and if you have a good strain they can take a beating... when i get this grow done and switch to hydro im getting some clones through a buddy... all are seed bank seed clones... so i know they are strong.. gonna do a journal.. and do an active yield comparison... im going to supercrop one plant, top one, FIM one, trim one during flowering, and leave the rest unpruned.. that way i can compare actual yield amounts from the same strain based on different pruning techniques.. i'll explain more when the time comes.. but it'll be a really cool experiment to see the differences in yields... gonna run the experiment 2 times too... once i think will be under my floros probably and once will be under the hps lights when i get them... it'll tell a lot and show a really good comparison of a lot of things... light types vs yield... pruning techniques and yield... although the light isnt really fair because it'd be a total of 1680w of h.o floros vs. 4000w of hps... but it'll still be cool to see..


Well-Known Member

so my electrician buddy is in from out of town... so tonight we ran new circuits in the garden.. wont have to stretch to plug shit in which will be nice... i have an extention cord running down the hall because i dont have enough power now... but ill have a total of 80 amps just for the garden now... 1 - 240v circuit and 2 - 120vs... its great having an electrician whos like a brother... anyways... things will be ready to go for when i get my perpetual grow going... and itll be a lot easier to manuever around in the veg room anyways... plus ready for the hydro to be set up.. anyways... i will post pics of the garden of weeden, as my buddy put it, in the next day or so.. at least where its at so far and a list of what i have to finish...


Well-Known Member
hey have you concidered tiein those tops down and making and even canapy, you can get those floro's much closer= bigger buds, they look alittle loose..


Well-Known Member
hey have you concidered tiein those tops down and making and even canapy, you can get those floro's much closer= bigger buds, they look alittle loose..

the buds are actually really dense... like i said, or at least i think i said, im using my cell phone to take these pics.. so they arent as crisp as id like... it takes good pics from a distance.. definatly not up close tho...

ive thought about tieing them down but i dont want the flowering time to be set back... sorta on a schedule for the next few months... so i need to be as accurate time wise as possible.... and the floros themselves are damn near sitting on top of the plants... but the sooner these are done the sooner i can set up my hydro system and get going with that... as long as i get around a pound, which im betting ill get closer to 1 1/2 pounds, ill be fine... is it a good idea to tie down half way through flowering though??

how much do you think tieing down will
A - retard flowering
B - increase yield??

just curious..


Well-Known Member
depending how hard you tie them down.. im just sayin get them on a light angle to get those floros just alittle closer to those lower buds. no way a super crop just to slow vertical growth down alittle on the main ones, they will still plump out.


Well-Known Member
i had a lot i was gonna add to my thread last nite... new pics and shit... but the soon to be ex-girlfriend was doing what she does best and we fought all night... so i didnt get to update very much very well...
as far as growth goes its done vertically.. as far as stretching is concerned... i had an idea to switch the taller ones with some the shorter ones in the middle so that the light in the middle was the highest, and the outside lights, which would now be lower than the middle ones, would illuminate the middle of the taller plants and still be where they are in relation to where are now on the shorter ones... does that make sense... the only downside to that layout would be the lost lumens from the highest light reflecting off the top of the tops of the ballasts of the lower lights... so the more i think about it... the more tieing it down seems to make more sense... ill attempt to do it without much stress...
my biggest concern comes from creating a hermie.. my last grow was pretty much ruined from a male so ive been ultra paranoid... short story goes like this... my buddy was watching the grow for a few days... was outta town.. daily check ins were always "everything is fine"... he was telling me about this one that was shooting up tho... was starting to show buds all over... i was excited when i got some to see the progress... my heart sunk as i walked in to see a tall as male that had shot its load many many times... this was about 4 or so weeks into flowering.... i pulled it and explained the difference of male and female plants to my buddy for future reference... the worse is yet to come tho... the male was directly in front of an oscilating fan... ALL my girls got pregnant... one of my bobblekush girls i swear had more seeds than bud... i was pissed and heart broke...
my buddy who watched the plants is my financial partner in grow... basically he throws 75% of the money in and i do the gardening end.. works out well... but he had no idea going into it anything about growing.. he was just a smoker... new how to break it up and pack it.. thats it.. got him jorge cervantes book to read so he at least knows the basics now..
so i ended up with a crazy seed crop... but because of my own stupidity (i didnt take clones because we were gonna order seeds from a bank) this entire grow is all from seeds.. so i dont know how much stress these girls can handle... hence the hermie fear.. but you cant live life if you dont take some risks right??


Well-Known Member
so for anyone who happens upon this thread and is interested i started an actual journal.... much better off that way.... check the link on my sig... hope you can drop by!
