3w full spectrum led


Active Member
i can adjut to panel....it is 1,5m tall
what do you think is covering surface with this kind of panel is


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use them. That is a lot of work for a few watts. I would start with one or 2 COBs. Even one Vero 29 on a 60 dimmable driver is a great start. You just wouldn't get much with $8 in chips and driver.


Well-Known Member
Yes but 100pcs is that too little?
It's difficult to tell. 3 watts is the chips rated current, but the driver is .65 amps and whatever voltage the chips require. It could be more like 2 watts each. The driver indicates at max voltage it would output 22 watts. Plus, the ad doesn't state what model number the emitters are, so you don't know how much light they will provide at any specific power even if you did know the wattage.

The main point to consider is that it's likely not an upgrade as far as lumens per watt vs the HPS. Take a look at Vero 18 or 29, and CXB 3590 and 3070. Much easier to build with a couple cobs rather than 100s of stars and much more light for the same wattage. Or upgrade to a 400w HPS for a low cost solution.