3wks into flowering--Problems-- (slow growth rate, coloring, spots,curling)


Active Member
My plants are about 3 weeks into flowering. Very basic growing room:
150W white light about 6-7 inches away from the tops. (My hand gets warm when I put it facing up towards the light 6-7 inches away)
Cooling fan on low 24/7
Night: 68 degrees 40% humidity
Day: 75 degrees 47% humidity
Water: Gallon of distilled water with 4 drops of SuperThrive in it.
200ml every 2-3 days.
History: During veg. I did the minimums. Since it started flowering, I've only been using SurperThrive with distilled water. That's it.

Issues: See pictures below. It has been the same for about a week and a half now. The only thing that changes is the sad leaf coloration and curling.

My diagnosis/plan: (Please critique!)
1. I'm planning on getting Peter Jacks 20-20-20 (or something like that at home depot or at a plant nursery). My nitrogen seems fairly low. Try that out for a couple weeks and see if the growth rate will change.
2. I also think my plants are not getting much Magnesium. I'll test out 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt for every gallon.
3. Stop using SuperThrive. I read it slows the flowering process down.

rollitup has enlightened me greatly! I am confident that you guys won't let me down :hump: Save my babies!

(and yes, that is a shoelace holding up my fairly tall/skinny plant)



Junior Creatologist
for the lighting your using, your plants not lookin bad at all for 3 weeks into flower. Are you counting from the first day you switched to 12/12 or the first sighting of pistils on your plant? personally, i count from the first pistils, is when i start counting down the weeks til harvest, because the plant isnt actually flowering until it starts producing pistils. Either way man, it dont look bad at all - just keep doin what your doin, n add some more light to that setup if you can dude. It wont do anything but help you at this point. N it looks like you have enough sites on your main branch for calyxes to grow, so there is alotta potential there for a really big fuckin nugget. But its all depending on how much light she gets during the critical stages of flower.

good luck on the rest of your grow man ! :D


- N i do see your nitrogen deficiency there. Dont add nitrogen to your grow now, just let them be deficient man. Adding nitro to your plant during flowering will slow down flower production, and actually dwarf your yield considerably, depending on the amount you use. If you absolutely NEED to add nitro to your plant man, just take some cottonseed meal, and take a SMALL handful, and add it to your topsoil, and water your plant. It will feed the plants the nitro that they need, but like i said, be SUPER careful not to add anywhere near an adequate amount , like you would if you were trying to fix a nitro def during veg. If your having probs with magnesium, get yourself some cal/mag. n as for the walmart brand nutrients, if you have the cash to spend on them, then go the extra 5 bucks, and order a bottle of some good flowering nutes online man. Go to like HTGsupply.com, or BGhydro.com, and order yourself some tiger bloom and big bloom. That stuff is way better than using a nutrient that has an NPK thats in the double digits. While the ratio might be right, and your using the right types of nutes, the amounts of the N, P, n K in the ferts are EXTREEEEMEly high, and it would be kinda tough to dilute it down to the right strength for your plants. I mean, you can do it man, anybody can pull off somethin like that as long as theyre payin attention, so if you got your heart set on doin that, then by all means man, do it. But if you can swing the nutes that are basically meant for pot (lol, no matter how indirectly), then spring for it man. its well, well worth your while.


Active Member
I appreciate your quick response!
Yeah, I'm pretty much counting down from the first day of 12/12..
How might you suggest more light? Another bulb, or putting those reflection sheets on the side of those back walls?

I've been reading a lot on this forum (love it) and it seems that growers go ape shit when the smallest brown spot appears on a leaf. I've noticed that these brown spots have only been expanding on my plants, and based off of other grower's reaction, I'm kind of worrying. However, your response has given me a sign of relief. :)

Can you tell me what you think I should do to help prevent future break outs of brown spots, yellowing, curling. Perhaps the quality of my pics are not the sharpest? I apologize..


Active Member
So I got some Fox Farms today (Tiger and Big Bloom).
Starting to water at half the dose per gallon. and going to go full dose every other watering. Hopefully it will make them happy and green! What do you think?

Oh, I'm going to water with nutes every other watering. In between those cycles, do you think it's a good idea to water with distilled water that has 4 drops (in a gallon) of SuperThrive in it?

Lastly; I'm going away for winter break (2 and a half weeks). What do you guys recommend on watering for that long? The pots that they are in are those "Plant-Spa" with a little reservoir at the bottom of the pot, supposedly good for up to 2 weeks. *sigh
I was thinking to place the whole pot itself and sit it in a big reservoir of distilled water with MINOR nutes, so that it has a constant intake of water. Aye or Nay?



Well-Known Member
3 weeks. patience. She'll fill in nicely. Superthrive is goooood. Misinformation and grow legends are baaaaaaaad.
Waaaaaait.....no nutes ???? Superthrive only and you wanna stop that ????? You gotta nute em my friend. Other wise you grow an underfed, undersized , lotsa leafs, little flower plant. Why bother.


Active Member
Dude did u ever figure out what it was?????? I'm going thru the same EXACT thing u r. My plants started out looking like that, and have gotten worst. It started 2 weeks ago. I'm on day 52 from 12/12 now. I've tried Cal-Mag+. I stopped giving them Floralicious+(because of thinking it was excess Nitrogen), I stopped giving them Hygrozyme(because I though t that it was breaking down too much Nitrogen for the plant). And when I try to loosen the top soil, its a bunch of thin roots. I checked to see if it was root bound, and it didn't look like it was, but loosen a piece of soil, and it's ALL thin roots. It actually lokks like these thin roots have become the soil, though u can't see it that much it ur eyes. I wonder if my plants are root bound. All I know is my leaves are turning yellow, and edges are burning, the very tips are curlin inward/upward, leaves are drying out on top, and flowers have stopped flowering. I can tell they're at a stand still. They were flowering agressively, and just stopped. Looks like ALL my girls are stuck on frozen! If this makes any sense to anyone. My PPM's never passed 1050, and now I brought it down to PPM 850, cause I was afraid I was burning them. My pH is never under 6.0 and never over 6.5. I try to keep it at 6.3. And my run off has been the same as what goes in. Another thing is that all of a sudden they are NOT taking in ANY of the water or nutes I give them. It seems like I went from watering/feeding them 3 times a week, to like water once a week. I also thought it was light poisoning. I have 1-400 watt, and 1- 600 watt. the 400 w is 16-24 inches from the canopies, and the 600 w is 20-26 inches from canopies , and the bulbs are 18 inches away from 1 another.
This is what it seems like....... The plants are having nute lockout, being underfed, and having nute burn at the same time. Which isn't possible, they can't be overfed and underfed at the same time. So please tell me if u figured out ur problem. Thanks. Just take a good look at these leaves, u'll see how they look.



Active Member
if your counting from the 12/12 switch than its around a week and a half into flowering.
your supposed to count it from the first pistols.
or it will always look like a 9-11 week flowering period .
if you minus the days that you counted of 12/12 without pistols
it should add to just over 8 weeks or so.