3x3 315watt CMH SCROG GG#4, Duct Tape, Double Dosido, and Watermelon Zkittlz

Start of week 6 and I’m getting exited for the trich production! I’ve seen very few fungus gnats this week, all the measures of control seem to be breaking their cycle. I noticed some purple come out on double dosido fan leaves, but not from cold, consistent 79F in the tent during lights on. Should I turn my fan up and get temps down or is this ok?A964A82F-471E-4AB8-BA59-E24A7E439236.jpegE16AF79F-B2DE-4632-83BA-D5EEC00C22DB.jpeg2F19BD1A-0C95-4799-B15E-1AC3C6C9B5E8.jpeg9F67307B-2EE1-4749-A899-9F2DDE5998D2.jpegimage.jpg
Start of week 7. Starting to bulk up a bit and some nice purples coming through. Saw one fungus gnat so they keep hiding somewhere so I am continuing the control measures.DB205E05-55CD-473D-ADEA-A14C5F05C792.jpegD8B072D7-33FA-41C1-9EEB-BDC966A2ED1B.jpeg94EDEF6C-3514-4B6A-9E5B-9C615BE918DE.jpeg
Start of week 8. They are maturing nicely. Bulking up a bit and I think they still around 2-3 weeks to go. The leave colors look pretty cool. I’ll probably do the last full feeding Friday (usual once a week), then half that the week after or maybe less depending on trich maturity. 84453EB1-200E-472D-AA72-08A14DC1F0CC.jpeg75CC0119-B2AB-437D-9564-BB9F8C83FFBE.jpegED4E4F94-9F59-42F0-B8FD-097D61FED0BE.jpegC3879305-3DD4-44ED-AD77-ED2944BCCEDE.jpeg
I’m super bummed...just found powdery mildew on a bunch of sugar leaves. I have no idea where it came from. Best guess is one of the two clones from the dispensary. I have never had this happen in my grow tent before. 40% humidity and 73F in the grow tent. I run a HEPA filter in the room the tent is in. I think I will just chop it all and make it into bubble hash as I don’t want to risk smoking that. Then clean the shit out of everything. I just got a new can carbon filter...do I need to get rid of it? Any other ideas to decontaminate the tent and I assume the room it is in?1D833498-D0C6-4A97-99E5-3322C9088A69.jpeg2937ED07-A067-4100-9085-8058CBD8A7DE.jpeg4FBCC3B8-710B-4E4A-8824-7437A4278F76.jpeg2F6DB496-9F41-41A9-837E-825CD9166D95.jpeg626E6401-9D26-4C17-ADCF-3CADCEEF35F2.jpeg
Sorry to hear about your PM. If you run a higher RH in the future you’ll kill any PM on the plants. It’ll turn brown and die. At 79f the RH should be between 70-75% in early flower and 60-65% for mid-late flower.

Vapor Pressure Deficit is your best defense against PM.
Sorry to hear about your PM. If you run a higher RH in the future you’ll kill any PM on the plants. It’ll turn brown and die. At 79f the RH should be between 70-75% in early flower and 60-65% for mid-late flower.

Vapor Pressure Deficit is your best defense against PM.
Thank you SneakyP, I will get a controller and humidifier for my next grow.
Went to the grow shop to get h2o2 and other supplies for a new grow, and they gave a free sample of an organic “safe” product I can use on PM up til harvest. I figured fuck it might as well try and let them finish ripening this week. Not sure if I will smoke the buds because of the treatment, or just make them into bubble hash for edibles (I would have bubble hashed them if I harvested yesterday, I just don’t want to risk smoking PM), is that too drastic?

I sprayed, defoliated to increase Air flow and sprayed again with the free sample last night. No PM as of this morning.A741901E-46AA-4932-9542-15EF3794AF36.jpeg
I harvested. Had to keep washing the weed every 4 days with that free sample stuff to keep PM at bay. Still not sure if I will smoke it, or make it into edibles, but it at least looks like good bud (particularly the double dosido). The product is approved for flower up to day of harvest in OR,CA, and CO. Unsure and didn’t look for Wa etc. I’m in Oregon, so if I buy bud to vape/smoke will it possibly have that shit anyways?

I washed the closet and pots with Simple green today. I plant to spray everything but the light with h2o2, wipe, let the h2o2 dry, then spray/wipe everything with 70% alcohol. Any other tips? Can I rid it from my house or is it going to be an ongoing problem?

My friend has a ozone generator I could borrow, but I hesitate cause the room I grow in is also my home office I use everyday and is also my storage room for home brewing gear (3 year old sour beers in carboys etc) and overflow Costco food. I run a HEPA filter in the room.

Any recommendations on humidifiers and Humidistat controllers?
The harvest results:
40g Double Dosido, nice dense nugs
42.7g Ductape, also good dense nugs and great aroma
58.8g GG#4 40g are good nugs, the rest are ok just will probably use for edibles since they are small
49.5g Watermelon Zkittlz, the density aroma are meh, but maybe will get better with cure

191.3g total, 0.61g/watt
+trim and larf frozen for bubble hash, then press to rosin at some point in the future

I will try smoking once a full cure. I think the PM was solved, but will know for sure if the smoke is bad I guess.

My key learnings were:
That PM sucks and I got a humidifier and now the room is around 40% humidity. Also cleaned the shit out of everything.

I should have not defoliated so late in flower, and definitely should have satisfied the urge to do it early flower.

I got different nutrients for this next round, still dry powder and organic, but more specifically used for cannabis. My thought is that the excess Nitrogen lead to the focus on leaves rather than bud.

Yellow sticky traps+ Gnatrol works to really cut fungus gnats to a minimum. I might Be able to eradicate (so many house plants and big garden outside, and they can fly through screens), but if not, sticky traps will monitor and I can go from there.

Thanks everyone for their help and input!
What’d you end up doing with the PM affected buds?

Seems pretty crazy to me that there is a safe until harvest product out there. What product was it? I wouldn’t trust any sort of wash that makes those claims personally. Especially if it’s a fungicide.

Lots of people on here recommend the Inkbird Humidity Controller. I don’t personally use it, but it’s definitely suggested often.
What’d you end up doing with the PM affected buds?

Seems pretty crazy to me that there is a safe until harvest product out there. What product was it? I wouldn’t trust any sort of wash that makes those claims personally. Especially if it’s a fungicide.

Lots of people on here recommend the Inkbird Humidity Controller. I don’t personally use it, but it’s definitely suggested often.
So far I made cannacaps (1/2 cup MCT oil, 14g cannabis, strained) from my gg#4 small buds, about 15mg/ml (.96ml per cap) is my estimate. I just had 3 just over an hour ago (4:20p lol) and I have a light buzz, so probably have 2 more soon.

I infused ghee at 15mg/ml as well using another 14g of gg#4. My plan is to make just under 2 dozen cookies that land at 100mg each.

I also decarbed the watermelon skittles and will infuse it at some point. Its not good quality nugs compared the rest, almost no aroma, fluffy buds, even the upper buds. All 3 others we good dense bud, even tho smaller nugs that my previous grow, but I think that the defoliation the week before end of flower was my issue…yeah won’t do that again.

I got a humidifier for the room the tent is in with a built in humidistat and so far 45-50% humidity, which at least gets me in that middle zone.

Agreed I don’t trust it, but the product is called purecrop1. Not a fungicide but a wash. For what it’s worth, it stopped PM from spreading from the watermelon skittles to the other 3 plants, I have not seen PM since. I washed twice in 10 days, which is how long I let it go from discovery to harvest (was so close to having a good grow!). I don’t trust smoking it, but also it didn’t seem to hurt the bud, and apparently I may be smoking it when I buy weed since it’s approved in Oregon and not listed if used. The double dosido came out really well. So I will probably try smoking it once cured, cause buying weed is so expensive. Fortunately my friend split his Jack Herer plant with me, I just had to trim it, curing it now, so will have some weed to bide some time until I have to make that decision.
The cookies and canna caps are treating me well. I have vaped some of the bud and it seems fine, but just utilizing the edibles a lot until my next grow comes through, which I started here: