4/12 Court Support for Steven Sanderson Bay County Sec 8 Trial

I just read the article again and see nothing about welfare. Disabled people aren't allowed to buy automobiles? How do you know that his girlfriend doesn't have a good job? How do you know that he or she didn't take out a $13k private loan to buy the Jeep? Lots of things to consider before condemning someone.

I'm not gonna lose any sleep about being right.
I just read the article again and see nothing about welfare. Disabled people aren't allowed to buy automobiles? How do you know that his girlfriend doesn't have a good job? How do you know that he or she didn't take out a $13k private loan to buy the Jeep? Lots of things to consider before condemning someone.


Growing can be a laborious task. That's the point of caregivers, to grow for the disabled so they can get their meds because they can't grow themselves.

It would seem that if he's too disabled to go to work for money like the rest of society, but he's not too disabled to maintain a large enough garden to support himself and 4 other patients, then I would have to ask myself how truly "disabled" he is.

Let's not forget that he's not even the legal caregiver for these plants. He shouldn't even have access to them.
Someone who is bipolar or who has PTSD couldn't tend to 24 plants? I know a few people with mental issues that collect disability and don't work. They are able to tend to their gardens but that doesn't mean that they could handle a 40+ hour work week.

I also know some HIV positive people that collect SSD and appear to have no health problems. They would have no problem tending to 24 plants.

Someone who is bipolar or who has PTSD couldn't tend to 24 plants? I know a few people with mental issues that collect disability and don't work. They are able to tend to their gardens but that doesn't mean that they could handle a 40+ hour work week.

I also know some HIV positive people that collect SSD and appear to have no health problems. They would have no problem tending to 24 plants.

That is a good point, and it's one that I honestly didn't take into consideration. Then again, I don't know of a lot of metal illnesses that they give SSD for except for like full blown retardation for the lack of a better word.

This country doesn't really care about most of its mentally ill people, veterans included and they end up wandering the streets and living under overpasses.

You ever been to the VA? My dad was in Vietnam so he chooses to go the to VA and man what a fuckin joke that place is. He thought he had prostate cancer and the doctor said "Don't worry about it, it wouldn't kill you before old age does, it would take too long. No reason to even look at it."

Really? That tells you how much they are willing to dig into their budget to help veterans that are suffering.
This thread is a perfect example of why victims of cannabis prohibition take plea deals they know in their hearts are not justice. A jury of our "peers" attacking the victims to inflate their own egos..

And FYI stow??? I will tell you that theman has quietly done more for total stranger's than any of our community will do for their brothers..
Proud to call him Familia
This thread is a perfect example of why victims of cannabis prohibition take plea deals they know in their hearts are not justice. A jury of our "peers" attacking the victims to inflate their own egos..

And FYI stow??? I will tell you that theman has quietly done more for total stranger's than any of our community will do for their brothers..
Proud to call him Familia
I'm pretty sure that we can agree that anyone here regardless of how dumb this situation is would find him not guilty. From what I've read it sounds like the charges that suck come from his cellphone conversation, that's my guess. To argue the grow room situation is moot. Sounds like he was trying to cover for his gf by saying he grew the plants. Why else would you claim plants after giving up your right to grow them under the current laws? Just to turn around and incriminate the fuck out of yourself? Or is he stupid? And you can get disability for anything. I used to work in outpatient SA counseling. You can get disability for being a drug addict.
I'm pretty sure that we can agree that anyone here regardless of how dumb this situation is would find him not guilty. From what I've read it sounds like the charges that suck come from his cellphone conversation, that's my guess. To argue the grow room situation is moot. Sounds like he was trying to cover for his gf by saying he grew the plants. Why else would you claim plants after giving up your right to grow them under the current laws? Just to turn around and incriminate the fuck out of yourself? Or is he stupid? And you can get disability for anything. I used to work in outpatient SA counseling. You can get disability for being a drug addict.
No sir, sorry I would be very worried if some of the posters in this thread where on my jury..
No sir, sorry I would be very worried if some of the posters in this thread where on my jury..
I mean the general population polls show the majority of people are OK with medical marijuana. That doesn't mean they are not going to try and establish a jury of non supporters. I think if you look at what was done there were a lot of stupid mistakes made. This guy didn't have a plan for when the cops came and they lit him up. It's sad and unfortunate for him, but that's the sad reality. Some people enjoy pointing out others failures that's kind of the American mindset. We cut those down who have success and we love to bury those who have made mistakes and failures. Me personally I'd rather see people not serve time for non violent crimes like this. But by claiming that was his garden he fucked himself. Maybe not for some delivery charges. But he fucked himself.
This thread is a perfect example of why victims of cannabis prohibition take plea deals they know in their hearts are not justice. A jury of our "peers" attacking the victims to inflate their own egos..

And FYI stow??? I will tell you that theman has quietly done more for total stranger's than any of our community will do for their brothers..
Proud to call him Familia

So it's our fault? Nice try at a cop out, but blaming this on anybody but the person not making sure they were in compliance with the law is weak. Par for the course for you though.
This thread is a perfect example of why victims of cannabis prohibition take plea deals they know in their hearts are not justice. A jury of our "peers" attacking the victims to inflate their own egos..

And FYI stow??? I will tell you that theman has quietly done more for total stranger's than any of our community will do for their brothers..
Proud to call him Familia

If I sat on a jury for any case involving marijuana, I'd be in favor of nullification. That's not my point though. I don't care if someone wants to grow 10,000 plants. Go ahead and do it, just don't use the MMMP for cover if you have no intent on following the law. Some very sick folks depend on this law, and have waited a long time for it. Those are the folks I feel for.

This is a medical marijuana sub forum, correct?
Comrades you never cease to amaze and disappoint me. So with your understanding of crime and punishment (lawyer despotism) and the "law", exactly which criminal felony counts and how much time should the men and women providing caregiver services to one of the numerous epileptic children or other patients with legitimate medicinal needs for cannabis oil face? Does it matter if their doctor had the balls to spell it out (cannabis oil) on a script, with their DEA number and all? What about those synthetic THC results from the crime lab? How would the "warehouse grows" and "synthetic THC labs" required to provide cannabis oil be portrayed to the media via LEO and the courts?

While your doing your lawyer math, what if that epileptic child is an out of state patient as provided for under our law? Charge them both federally for interstate schedule I felonies as well? How does your lawyer math (aka exploiting LARA licensing requirements to nullify section 4 mmj protections) work out in that out of state instance ever? Or do you just simply ignore those facts of the matter as you (they) do the uninterrupted supply right of the section 8. At least try to understand the fallacy and cannabigotry (lawyer math) you aim to perpetuate ...



In other words, quit fucking us all around for your own aggrandizement, lawyers and cops and politicians, and JUST LEGALIZE IT ALREADY.

Turns out it works pretty well here in Colorado and I don't think Michigan is any different.

Except maybe the water.