4 Day Clones in jiffy pellets!


Well-Known Member
See you said 3 days for roots at the very least, well hydrotech364 replied to my post saying that its bs too get roots in 4 days bexause cell regeneration doesn't start until day 4. So guess what hydrotech, you're obviously wrong, yes you can get " a root(s)" in 4 days, if you know what you're doing.
nice job man, kinda sad you have to defend your success, when all you are doing is trying to help. Not like you started a thread saying "i'm an omnipotent clone-master, all must kneel"...
Like I said, many people (myself included) keep a lot of shit to ourselves, solely because it's mentally aggravating (and time-wasting) to defend something that you KNOW to be true.
--side note- My clones I just took last sunday show signs of possibly rooting already (leave tips slightly yellowing and leaves pointing upward), haven't checked em yet, but i'll let em get nice and "rooty" before I transplant.
Just aloe for the dip, and aloe spray for the spray, works so much better than ANY cloning solution I've used, I wish I would have know this in the late 90s, I lost a couple good plants because of shitty cloning techniques/solutions


Well-Known Member
Nice job man!

Don't listen to any of the ney sayers. I've been running a perpetual grow for 5 years next month, and through that time have regularly had clones with roots at 4 days in jiffy pellets. The majority of my clones are rooted by 7 days, but there are always a few fast ones that show the roots faster.

That being said I run a hydro set up and really need to build myself a hydro cloner. I have about 80% of the supplies laying around, but have never got around to it because the jiffy plugs have always worked for me. I can imagine from the results I've seen from the hydro cloners that it would improve my system some.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to flower the clones simply because I want some fast bud even if it is only a little bit. The mom I still have vegging outside its on day 95 about. She will flower when its time to ourside..20140705_151140.jpg20140702_182358.jpg


Well-Known Member
you have flowered em already? u aint gunna get much of flowering a rooted clone, ive done it a few times wen ive been overrun and you yeild next to nothing, 2 weeks veg would help em right out? put em bak in veg

and u can take cuts upto about 3 ish weeks flower,

i personally favour my diy bubbler, first run took 4 weeks to root, but they wer fat roots, not like the roots u get in jiffys. it will be qwicker this next run of cuts as i identified reason why it took 4 weeks, not being pitch black in the res being one reason. i also have a aerocloner, which i havent used
bety with bubbler is u dont need nothing just cut angled cut, dunc in clonx for 10 mins and stik in bubbler, i eevn successfully rooted a 1/2" fat stalk top. :)

never had any joy with jiffys and prop box