4 females and 1 male. How do i remove male/roots?


Well-Known Member
I have a hydro setup. All roots are tangled bigtime.

Should I:
-Cut the male at the bottom of the trunk and leave roots.
- Attempt to remove roots and plant (possibly hurt other roots in process)

I would rather not touch the other plants roots, but what will happen to the roots of the "chopped down" male plant? will they rot and kill my females?

I'de like to get rid of this male ASAP so the faster the replies the better.

Much appreciated!!!

Pictures are of all 5 plants. #1 #2 #3 look like females. #4 looks like a male and #5 looks like a female. what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
hmm interesting if u leave the roots in there, they will rot and clog ur shystem, but if u don't u could seriously stunt or kill ur plants i bump this one 2 the hydro and aero vets man

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
Myself, I would cut the trunk, and cut as much of the male root as I could without messing with the other roots. Then, once the roots start dying out, Id try to pick out the dead shit. Im sure if you leave the dead stuff in the res will cause the ph and other issues.

Hopefull one of the vets can pop in a give futher advice. If not keep bumping till you get help!

Ive had to ditch several plants due to root rot. Being new to growing, Ive tried several things, and one of those things was cutting roots on one of the plants. Needless to say that didnt work. LOL They were too far gone. It was my first grow. Ive learned so much in the past 2 months, and look forward to my next!


GL to you.
im interested in this answer to as all my plants roots are tangled in a hydro setup to..so i will be looking on to see what type of answers come about..


Well-Known Member
yea i though # 4 was a male.. I need to get the testicle having jock out of there ASAP but i dont want to do it the wrong way.

I think if i pull the male out a little I can jiggle some of the roots loose. The rest i will attempt to hand pick out..

I have 4 airstones in my grow (so one under every plant) so im not worried about root rot. Although dead root will rot so i have to rid of the male, dead roots.

Still would love to hear what the vets are doing.

PS: I have all feminized beans for future to avoid this. Trying ak47, white widdow and white russion autoflowering dwarfs next.. should be fun. Damn are feminized autoflowering beans expensive!!


Well-Known Member
update... All plants are doing well... It seems some of the roots (only in the area where i left dead root) are getting soggy. I tried to get them out but its just not possible w/o hurting the other plants. Ill give it some time.

I know the soggy roots are the dead ones. I have 2 airstone and a 4ft bendable hose with holes along the way to add o2 to the water so i know the live ones aren't causing the rot.

any suggestions? Maybe just change the water once a week instead of every other week?
This is happening with mine except only have 2 plants had to cut the male one down... the female is 6 times bigger...I cut the trunk at the base without any knowledge cuz otherwise id have fucking hermies. But this will be day 1 with trunk sitting there and roots sitting there. I heard a chemical called hygrozeme works on dead plant materials but any more inout as to what happened would be awesome