4 Feminized Nirvana Ice


Well-Known Member

I probably won't veg longer than the first week of May, as I need them to finish by late July.

We will see how it goes!


Well-Known Member
We're now in the home stretch of veg.

They're in their 3-gallon smart pots under the 600 watt MH in the 3x3 tent.

It was 77 in the tent last time I checked with 45% humidity.

They were thirsty, so gave them a thorough watering for the MH.


Well-Known Member
I have a question.

Does anyone think I will need to add any nutes before flower? Transplanted into fresh FFOF just a couple of days ago. I'm thinking it will get me to flower, at the end of the month/first week of May.

If that's the case, should I just use Tiger Bloom? Any nutrient advice will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ffof seems to do good for a few weeks , but its your call . although i wouldnt feed a a strong dose . tiger bloom and big bloom compliment each other , ff has some super strength stuff forgot its name its three differant soluble powders . i have never used it b'cuzz npk reads like 20-50-30 or some shit ,too easy to burn your girls to a crisp .


Well-Known Member
Here are the results of my FIM attempt. It's been maybe ten days or so, I don't remember exactly how long. I'm afraid I didn't do much except stunt the growth some, but I am holding out hope. Looking at these new growths, they seem fatter and like maybe it will end up with the two original growths, as if topped, plus the two growths that weren't cut (that usually are cut with a top), resulting in four...but I have no idea. Maybe they just seem fatter because now they are 9 blade fan leaves. Any help is greatly appreciated.
fim 1.jpgfim 2.jpgfim 3.jpg



Well-Known Member
ccouldnt tell much about those picks , just pinch off the top of the stem . forces two top colas and branching of the lower nodes


Well-Known Member
That is what I did this morning.

They are going to get even bushier. Some of the side shoots have almost caught up in height to the main top after the FIM attempt.

Anticipate starting flower in about two weeks.


Well-Known Member
That will be between five and six weeks from seed. I need them to finish by mid to late July, so need to get them started.


Ok, not as early as I thought, and I see your reasoning.

I did the math wrong in my head. It wasnt 5-6, but i wont tell you what i thought it was in case i look stupid.


Well-Known Member
Any thought and ideas appreciated, you won't look stupid. Remember this is my first time...so looking for any feedback.

Hoping to have an update later on.


Well-Known Member
Here is the update. These sprouted from seed four weeks ago today.

A quick recap for those just joining: 4 plants in a 3x3, sprouted under CFL, put under 600 watt metal halide for veg, and will go under 600 high pressure sodium for flower. Have a 400 CFM fan pulling air through the hood and out the tent.

The first two are an overview of the four.

tent 2.jpg

Here are some height and width shots. The height pic is of on my tallest, #4.

#4 has always had a bit of a differen look to her. Always just a tad taller, and that height is starting to show more and more. She is a solid 1" taller than the others, perhaps up to 2".


This next shot is of #3. She is the widest, bushiest, and in my opinion, the best developed of the three. I think this is because I did a better job unbundling the rootball at transplant. Or maybe she's just a strong one. Either way, she is beasting right now. The stalk picture is also of #3. You can see how well close those first few nodes are before they start seperating out. Also, you can see a growth shoot starting out from where the cotyledon was. Weird...never seen that, but my first grow.


An interesting note on #3 is that when I initially put into the Fox Farm Ocean Forest to sprout, it had the worst nute burn of the four. It has since developed into my best plant. The absolute lowest, first shoots that grow out have almost caught up to the top, and the stalks are thick and strong. I have little doubt this will be the best yielder of the 4, when I thought it was the weakest.

The final picture is the temperature and humidity as I opened the tent today. This device sits on top of the soil, so it's a good guide of what the plants are feeling. Humidity is up a few points from normal, due to watering yesterday, I think. It's usually in the mid to upper 40s.


Anyone with any ideas on how much longer to veg? I'm thinking no longer than two weeks. But maybe I should sooner. Any input appreciated.



6 weeks is a good veg from seed some people only wait 4 if they have good lateral growth. 12-18 in.and are bushing out.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'd want to go more than six weeks from seed. I don't want to under fill the space at all...and it is hard to imagine how big and bushy they will get. I'll use some training if I need to...probably would like to do some light training anyway.

I also edited the update post for clarity and a bit more information.


I hear ya ,ive never seen this strain in action so i really cant say how much they will stretch and fill out. I can say though i have 4 great white shark in about a 5x5 space they were clones .i toped them all a week before i put them in ,down to about 14 in . They have stretched about half of that at the start of week 4 flower. They look good ill be subn.


Well-Known Member
Tonight the ladies are going into a 24 hour dark period. Lights will come on Sunday evening, with Monday being five weeks from seed.

Explosive growth in the past week. Stay tuned for pics.


Well-Known Member
if the side branches are catching up pull them away from center lst . with some string , yarn , whatever let in more light and bigger buds , especially during stretch