New Member
Hello friends,
First post, planning first setup and over thinking every purchase lol.
I think I've decided on 4x Atreum 288.2s with 4x hlg-120-54a for a scrog in 4x4x5 gorilla tent - tallest I can go : c and 4 plant limit in Canada. I've been looking at Hlg prebuilts and other diy and everyone seems to be placing QBs close together on the same heatsink and using one driver to power them all.
Wouldn't it be better to have 4 seperate boards with their own drivers on their own hangers? I think this would provide better foot print and flexibility for height over individual plants, or even turning one off during veg or I lose a plant D: . Driver cost might be a bit more, but I'm not sure why else anyone would squish 4 QBs together in the middle of a tent e.g hlg550v2 instead of each centered over 2x2?
Thanks for reading, appreciate any input. I've come this far from reading about hps, then blurples, to finding hlg QBs, then alibaba QBs, back to Atreum QBs lol, indecision is hurting the yields.
First post, planning first setup and over thinking every purchase lol.
I think I've decided on 4x Atreum 288.2s with 4x hlg-120-54a for a scrog in 4x4x5 gorilla tent - tallest I can go : c and 4 plant limit in Canada. I've been looking at Hlg prebuilts and other diy and everyone seems to be placing QBs close together on the same heatsink and using one driver to power them all.
Wouldn't it be better to have 4 seperate boards with their own drivers on their own hangers? I think this would provide better foot print and flexibility for height over individual plants, or even turning one off during veg or I lose a plant D: . Driver cost might be a bit more, but I'm not sure why else anyone would squish 4 QBs together in the middle of a tent e.g hlg550v2 instead of each centered over 2x2?
Thanks for reading, appreciate any input. I've come this far from reading about hps, then blurples, to finding hlg QBs, then alibaba QBs, back to Atreum QBs lol, indecision is hurting the yields.