4" Inline Fan = Airplane!!!!

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
So I just plugged in my 4" inline fan and it SUPER FAST, but it sounds like an airplane is taking off! How do I keep the sound down? If there's a budget friendly way that would be great! This is totally the opposite of stealth!

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I have a carbon filter, I didn't try it with that. But it's EXTREMELY noisy as it is. Maybe I can get a controller for an alright price?


Well-Known Member
Some of the fan controllers cause a loud hum when slowing down the fan. Read some reviews before purchase.


Well-Known Member
Once you hook up ducting, your hood & carbon filter the sound will be much less obnoxious. Insulated ducting is great for strait runs but if you have any tight bends the insulation folds on itself inside the ducting and reduces air flow/CFM's, once you hook everything up and its still too loud you have several options, you could buy a duct muffler on eBay for around $60, you could DIY a soundproof box (but if you do it wrong it will make it worse) or you could do what I'm probably going to do and wrap it in this Armaflex insulated foam: (-->CLICK HERE<--)

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
hang it with bungee cord ... it cuts the sound in half.
How would I do this? I have a rectangle box with beams (2x2s) across the top.. Do you just hook one end of the bungee cord to the other end ...after wrapping it around? I don't have much more to spend. Hopefully the carbon filter will act as a partial silencer.

Have rope, zip-ties, bungee cord.

What about a skipping rope?

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I know :(, but it's all I could afford at the moment. $145 for the fan and filter. Guess I will only keep it on for short periods of time..?


Well-Known Member
yes there are different ways of doing it, depending if you have only one long bungee cord or a couple smaller one ... I like to have more than not enough just to be on the safe side (I dont want my fan to fall!!) but yeah I just simply let the fan dangle, skipping rope wouldnt work you need an elastic and it will absorb vibration, ... reducing the noise!


Well-Known Member
Pack a box with insulation punch holes for ducting.. put fan in box and tape shut. Connect ducting then hang from ceiling using a bungee cord. I did this with my friends 8 and u cant hear a thing

match box

Well-Known Member
I put my fan in a box with those peanut things all around it. Cut a hole in both ends for flex hose. The fan doesn't get hot and I have less noise. match


New Member
I hang mine by bungee cords hook to the ceiling and wraps around the pipes connectong to the fan, very little noise, also they sound really loud until you actually hook pipe to them, then they are much quieter.


Well-Known Member
Hang from bungie cords so there is no metal-->metal connection (decreases vibration). Buy one of these: http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-Blower---Fan-Speed-Control.asp

Once your all setup you can play w/ the speeds to find the lowest speed while maintaining your temps. This cutts down on noise a lot. Also make sure both sides of the fan are covered with either ducting, carbon filter, or a duct muffler helps see here for vid on it: http://www.htgsupply.com/Product-Duct-Muffler- 6in.asp.

You can build boxes like what some others have suggested.. which does help but I have found not necessary. Best thing is to own your own house where you grow my friend!