4 lovely ladies first grow


I am a newbie medical grower. I started with 20 seeds but after 3 duds and an unbelievable l2 males I have these 4 lovely ladies in flowering and one other in veg for a possible mother. They have been in flower (l2/12) for 5 weeks. Is it too late to add molasses? When should I shut off the nutrients prior to harvesting> Any help will be greatly appreciated. My camera is not the best, but take a look and see what you think.



Well-Known Member
you can start using molasses now if you want.. it will benefit your plants even this late in the game... about 1 tsp per gallon of water.... with each watering.... your girls will love it...

stop feeding nutes and start flushing 7-10 days before harvest... some people say 3-5 days is enough... it really is a personal thing.. i think 7 days is plenty of flushing time... and i do a daily.. i use 2x the amount of water as the size of the pot and flush it daily with that much water for a week every other day... so i have 5 gallon pots, so ill flush with 10 gallons of water every other day for 8 days basically...

you can still feed them the molasses during flushing... since they arent getting any other nutrient intake it at least gives them a little something to feed on until you chop her down.. i add it to the last gallon of water used during each flush... works great for me...

good luck