4 plants from seed experiment


Well-Known Member
HI Folks

Well its day 27 of 12/12 and thought i would update with some pics for you all.

Hope you enjoy

Anyone ever used the pic of the Sugar as a form of molasses before?




Well-Known Member
thnx guys.

ok so airing on the side of caution i have added half a tablespoon of the molasses sugar above into some warm water and added this to my 18 litre nute mix.

i may look at upping this at a later date but i would rather be safe than sorry.



Well-Known Member
HI Folks

Well i have done some extensive research on the Billingtons Molasses Sugar and have found a dosage rate of a teaspoon per litre. As i said above i will be airing on the side of caution using this and i plan on using it once a week with nutes but when i dont add any PK1314. I will be using a teaspoon per 4litres so in my 18litre water containers i will be adding 4 and a half teaspoons of the billingtons to some warm water to allow it to disolve and then add this into my nute mix. I will also check PH and adjust as necessary.

here is some bud porn for you.

I am currently 29days into 12/12





Well-Known Member
thanks silentrunning.

the POG is gonna be an absolute monster. it is filling in so much at the moment.

The unknown2 has stalled a little bit due to having to top her during flowering to restrain her height and a more even canopy. So with all this being said i think i am going to be harvesting the POG around the August 10th and then i think the unknown2 around 2-3weeks after due to the stalling and then the sativa sometime in late september. So i will have 3 harvests to show you all on this thread. Oh and i almost forgot about the 2 little clones. They will be ready whenever they are ready. But i am not using any molasses sugar on these to see the differences in the taste of the plants.



Well-Known Member
Hey Folks

Here is another picture update for you all.

I have tried to get some pics before lights on.

Have also taken some bud pics and an under canopy shot.

Hope you all enjoy.




Well-Known Member
cheers B

they're getting bigger every day.

after much research on the molasses sugar i bought i have now decided on an amount to use
1tsp per gallon once a week.

HEY B the unknown 2 i swear is some sort of lemon cross it smells so citrussy hmmmm


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I think all my smell is being sucked out, I've bee thinking of turning the fans off and see if I can smell them.

My last runt turned out to be a male, I am 2 for 2 in culling out males. 12 - seeds, 11 - grem'd, Killed 3, 6 to flower - 1 Male, 2 left behinds male.


Well-Known Member
never mind at least you know what males look like now!

i have been creating a new list for the redesign of my closet.

im going to be changing the cooltube and fan for a 150mm tube with RVK150L1 fan 680m/3 gonna have a CF running too.

Gonna fit my 230m/3 RVK125A1 as an intake or as a secondary exhsust unsure about this yet lol



Well-Known Member
Hey Folks

Well its a sad day In JONDAMON's house today. The unknown 2 plant has decided to grow some male bananas. So i have had to chop her down. :-(

It is to be expected i suppose as this was just another bagseed grow. This is the only pitfall with using bagseed.

I cant wait to finish the ladies that i have so that i can then start on my good genetics seeds.

So after 4 and a half weeks this has happened to one of my plants NEVERMIND at least i didnt pay for seeds for this to happen.

So i have chopped it up and it is now in my drying box if it only gets me a little stoned i'll be happy.

See you all soon for my next update.


Silent Running

Active Member
Sorry to hear that J. It sucks to put that much time into them and then have the balls pop out. Had a gorgeous plant that I did a lot of topping and some lst on do the same thing. As for smoking him...I think that would be more of a headache (as in cause one) than anything.


Well-Known Member
What's up Super J!!! Looking nice chief. Didn't notice you updated till just now.

Sad day Bro. Sorry for your loss.

Man that second stem pic looks DD big dude. May be the angle of the shot. Dry a 4 inch piece of that out and make a nifty little pipe. LOL

As usual, always impressed bro. Need to check Bonzie's out too.

Peace and out.


Well-Known Member
What's up Super J!!! Looking nice chief. Didn't notice you updated till just now.

Sad day Bro. Sorry for your loss.

Man that second stem pic looks DD big dude. May be the angle of the shot. Dry a 4 inch piece of that out and make a nifty little pipe. LOL

As usual, always impressed bro. Need to check Bonzie's out too.

Peace and out.
You mean the one with the 3 stems coming off it???

That was the one i had to chop down :-(
