4 site hydro setup in 4x4x6.5 tent


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've done some soil and want to make my smoke even better. I'm already getting another 400watt cool tube, but I want to go hydro. I'd like to do a 4 plant hydro set up in my tent, but need to find a good system to start with.. I found this setup on ebay how is it... http://cgi.ebay.com/DripBucket4-2-Hydro-System-4-Plant-Control-Bucket_W0QQitemZ370165503120QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item370165503120&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72:1205|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:50?


Well-Known Member
Check out this one. I thought it looked interesting. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150328353340

I was considering a similar idea putting 4 of these in a tent for 16 plants. The seller told me they would waive shipping charges if I bought 4 of them but I decided to build my own instead. $160 for a complete 16 plant setup and having 4 rezs will allow for a perpetual harvest which can't be done as well with the one rez setup your first link.

Most people recommend modifying the waterfarm system so it will work better. You would be paying almost $80 for a single plant drip system that isn't as efficient as the aero system I linked to and is more suited to growing larger plants which wouldn't be advisable under just a 400w.


Well-Known Member
Well I'd have two 400watt cool tubes next to each other to help with light dispersal... and will the aero-setup be big enough for 4 nice size plants in my 4x4 tent?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I decided on an aeroponics system based on the site you provided. I'm only going to use 4 nets though i'm thinking 3" pots. Will 3" net pots be big enough for 4 large plants in my tent? I'll top the for plants and train them into a canopy of tops.. Also Will I have enough room for my roots. My resevior is 15" high


Well-Known Member
Ok so I decided on an aeroponics system based on the site you provided. I'm only going to use 4 nets though i'm thinking 3" pots. Will 3" net pots be big enough for 4 large plants in my tent? I'll top the for plants and train them into a canopy of tops.. Also Will I have enough room for my roots. My resevior is 15" high
Yes, the size of the net pot will not matter since unlike soil, the pot isn't holding the root ball. If you look at some hydro setups like Stinkbud's https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks.html, he is using 2" net pots and still growing monsters. It will matter more on how close the pots are spaced.


Well-Known Member
Also in that design he doesn't use air stone with an air pump in the resevior...should I add that on to it to help with airation of the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Also in that design he doesn't use air stone with an air pump in the resevior...should I add that on to it to help with airation of the nutes?
You can if you want, it won't hurt but the spray nozzles will oxygenate the water as well.
Are you planning on buying a recycle timer? The best price seems to be from New England Hydroponics for a Grozone, $80 shipped (I went through their eBay store for the no shipping charge deal).
There was a link in Stinkbud's thread for a CAP NFT-1 for $50 but that is a set interval timer, 1 minute on, 4 minutes off. That's not bad but their shipping charges killed the deal going from $50 to almost $70. I figured it was worth it, at least for me, to buy the adjustable one for $80.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was just doing some research on that. What is the general pump on and off time? Where is a good place to start and I take it that grozone will be able to handle all of this?