4 Strain monster grow!


Well-Known Member
Been awhile since I have posted a grow journal so I figured what the hell! :-) To start off I have 4 different strains I am flowering this round, 3 of which were started from seed a few months ago and the other I procured from another local grower. The strains are White Berry, Jack Widow, Critical Kush, and Pitt Bull. The WB has been one of my favorite strains for years now with the PB coming in as a close second(Got a nice stash of both from my last run), The CK and JW I have not yet had a chance to try and can't wait to do so. Anyway on with the details, the plants themselves are about 3 1/2-4 ft tall right now so these girls are going to be huge 8 weeks from now! I am running a 1,000 watt HPS and using Fox Farms soil and nutes. Just turned back the lights last night so should start seeing signs of flowering within the next week or so. If anyone has any questions or suggestions feel free to throw them out there, I have never been afraid of a little criticism. Happy growing everyone. :-P



Well-Known Member
The PB is a great strain, came across it in the shop I go to for meds when I am out of my own and happened to come across it on CL and picked a few up. :) If i could find pics I would upload some from the last run I did with the PB which ended up turning a bit purple towards the end of the flowering cycle. Going to be interesting to see how these ones perform as they will be exposed to cooler temps throughout their flowering cycle. All of these plants are just as big if not a bit bigger than the last ones were when they finished so I am thinking they will be pushing the 6ft mark by the time they are done.


Well-Known Member
The pitbull I smoked had hints of purple. Very nice herb. You don't hear much about it thou :/ your plants look good man


Well-Known Member
The pitbull I smoked had hints of purple. Very nice herb. You don't hear much about it thou :/ your plants look good man

Thanks, I wish I had pics from before I put them under the 1,000w to veg for a few weeks prior to flowering(they had previously been under a T5). Long story short they had been butchered for clones and looked like SHIT! Transplanted them n removed 1/3-1/2 the root ball and put into lager pots and they just took off like crazy! Worst part about the whole thing was none of the clones ever took, and I still don't seem to be having much luck with the ones I took last weekend....Rather irritating because I have NEVER had a problem with clones in the past, only thing I can come up with is the climate here differs greatly here from where I previoulsy grew. Hoping that out of the 40 something cutting I took that at least a couple from each plant live. I am looking forward to the Critical Kush I have have become quite keen to the kush strains. :bigjoint:

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Subbed, I just started Sliver Kush from reserve pirada and crital mass from Mr. Nice. Interested to see how things go for you.


Well-Known Member
Will try to get pics up for you guys this afternoon, haven't been home in the past two days to do so. Hopefully by now I have pretty good sign of flowering, last time I checked on them(3 days ago)they were just starting to show but were definatly starting to get their stretch on! :-)


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics I promised! Can definatly see that they have grown about 6-8 inches over the past week, other than that no real big signs of flowering yet.

The one on the right is the PB the others i am unsure of only reason I noticed the PB is because it seems that compared to the other 3 it has not streched nearly as much. Will see what happens, last ones streched out about 1.5-2 ft by the time they were done. Just thought about something the other day as well....I'm not only flowering 4 plants together, I am flowering 4 different strains with 4 different genetic makeups. I think in this situation it may actually cause the plants to thrive a bit more through the flowering cycle, as opposed to flowering 4 of the same strain together. Any thoughts or corrections?

Also on another note as I said before I am having difficulties with clones, I have tried both rapid-rooters and a homemade ezcloner I acquired and I don't appear to be having any success with either method. I have NEVER had issues in the past with at least getting a couple to live but all I seem to be getting is cuttings that appear healthy for about a week and after that the stems begin to rot/mold. I have been taking my cuttings and soaking them in dip n grow for 15-20 min then in to rapid-rooters or the plugs. Have tried both spraying and not spraying the cuttings and nothing seems to work. Thinking part of my issues are caused from the pump in my ez cloner getting the water to warm, going to try and curb that by adding more water, any other suggestions would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics I promised! Can definatly see that they have grown about 6-8 inches over the past week, other than that no real big signs of flowering yet.
]View attachment 2438014View attachment 2438013View attachment 2438012

The one on the right is the PB the others i am unsure of only reason I noticed the PB is because it seems that compared to the other 3 it has not streched nearly as much. Will see what happens, last ones streched out about 1.5-2 ft by the time they were done. Just thought about something the other day as well....I'm not only flowering 4 plants together, I am flowering 4 different strains with 4 different genetic makeups. I think in this situation it may actually cause the plants to thrive a bit more through the flowering cycle, as opposed to flowering 4 of the same strain together. Any thoughts or corrections?

Also on another note as I said before I am having difficulties with clones, I have tried both rapid-rooters and a homemade ezcloner I acquired and I don't appear to be having any success with either method. I have NEVER had issues in the past with at least getting a couple to live but all I seem to be getting is cuttings that appear healthy for about a week and after that the stems begin to rot/mold. I have been taking my cuttings and soaking them in dip n grow for 15-20 min then in to rapid-rooters or the plugs. Have tried both spraying and not spraying the cuttings and nothing seems to work. Thinking part of my issues are caused from the pump in my ez cloner getting the water to warm, going to try and curb that by adding more water, any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Looking green and healthy man, Keep up that greenthumb work!:bigjoint: I'm subbed for the journey!


Well-Known Member
Looking green and healthy man, Keep up that greenthumb work!:bigjoint: I'm subbed for the journey!

Thanks! Can't wait to finally get to try the CK and JW, have had them in veg from seed for 3-4 month because I wanted clones but was unable to do so at the until recently. Funny thing is I haven't been having much luck getting them to root, although I do believe that a few out of this last batch I took will make it.


Well-Known Member
After some careful thought I decided to do some trimming on the girls last night. :) As they were the bottom 1/3-1/2 was getting absolotely NO light so I cut all but the top 4-5 branches on each plant and tonight or tomorrow I am going to tie the branches down to get a bit more light to what is left to increase my yeild. You can definatly tell these girls are in flower now though, should be interesting to see how it turns out as the is probably the most extreme I have gotten with my "lollie popping." Enjoy boys and girls bongsmilie

Oh yeah almost forgot the last pic is of some seeds my roomate got for me today, called Super Sensi Skunk(homemade strain perhaps?)and supposed to be feminized. Recently discovered the "Main-lining" thread and have since become intent upon trying this for myself. So I think while these girls are flowering I am going to start some of these and try to get them prepped and ready by the time these girls are done, maybe even perhaps try one of these 12/12 from seed grows as well with my thrown in the mix. :)



Well-Known Member
Nothing much has changed just like to update every 2-3 days. Have found that it is fun to look back on these grows later on down the road so I figure why not have as many pics as possible. :lol: I started some of the Northern Sensi Skunk over the weekend and put them into rapid rooters this morning, got 7 out of 8 to germinate hopefully 4 or 5 will pull through and turn into nice healthy babies in a few days! Not 100% sure but I believe I some of the cuttings I took prior to flowering these girls have began to root, EZ Cloner my ass! I did save a handful more off each one the other day when I trimmed up the girls and have them sitting in plain tap water, will see if they will root that way if not I'll stick them in the EZ Cloner as well when these ones are done.



I've been growing a great pheno of pb for about a year, and this pheno was the only one to clone successfully out of ten. It still takes about 3x's longer than any other clone to root. I'm going to give up on trying to clone this strain, even though it's one of my favorites. i plan to make some feminized seeds with my last clone and try that. You're not alone with this problem. I've also grown critikalx og kush successfully outdoors in Hawaii. No mold, great flavor, lower yield,and a HEAVY stone. Aloha, Eddyirie


Well-Known Member
I've been growing a great pheno of pb for about a year, and this pheno was the only one to clone successfully out of ten. It still takes about 3x's longer than any other clone to root. I'm going to give up on trying to clone this strain, even though it's one of my favorites. i plan to make some feminized seeds with my last clone and try that. You're not alone with this problem. I've also grown critikalx og kush successfully outdoors in Hawaii. No mold, great flavor, lower yield,and a HEAVY stone. Aloha, Eddyirie
It's not just the PB that has been taking forever to root, all 4 strains have been that way. I have managed to get roots on at least one of each strain with the exception of the Jack Widow, maybe the uncloneable strain? I have also been thinking about making my own feminized seeds on my next grow. Have a few of the Northern Sensi Skunk that look like they will come up in the next day or two. :)


because if you are I have a suggestion! This applies to you if you are able to adequately cool the room. I have grown similar size plants with one bare 1000w light hung vertically in between all four plants rotating them twice a day to receive equal light. This way you use 100% of the light and eliminate any waste. I assure you that your yield will be highly magnified. Not trying to tell anyone what to do or that I'm an awesome grower but I have been growing indoors since I've been 15, I literally know every wrong way to grow :) lol. Lots of money down the drain. I promise this will increase your yields dramatically. Best of luck. I'll upload some pics once I figure this website out. I think you'll enjoy.


Active Member
hey just get 4 pieces of ply wood and nail em round the plants an paint the walls white ur losin some good light there cheers