4 Strain monster grow!


Well-Known Member
hey just get 4 pieces of ply wood and nail em round the plants an paint the walls white ur losin some good light there cheers

Yes i agree, been something I have needed to fix but don't have the money to do so.


Well-Known Member
Been slacking a bit here lately and been almost a week since I have updated you guys with pics of the girls so here they are! Actually took the time to get some individual shots as well, you can't tell very well in the pics but the PB has indeed began to turn purple once again! This is extremely exciting this time around for me as the last ones didn't begin to change until about the 6th week of flower, so by the time it is done it should have developed a very nice and dark purple color in the leaves and hopefully this time a bit more in the flowers themselves. The WB is also showing a small sign of color as well interested to see how this turns out as I have read in the past that the strain given the right conditions will turn a purpleish/blue. In all they are looking extremely healthy and have not streched nearly as much as I anticipated, this is perhaps due to the Tiger Bloom I have been using in combination with the other FF nutes. Enjoy the pics everyone and have a Merry Christmas! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Been slacking a bit here lately and been almost a week since I have updated you guys with pics of the girls so here they are! Actually took the time to get some individual shots as well, you can't tell very well in the pics but the PB has indeed began to turn purple once again! This is extremely exciting this time around for me as the last ones didn't begin to change until about the 6th week of flower, so by the time it is done it should have developed a very nice and dark purple color in the leaves and hopefully this time a bit more in the flowers themselves. The WB is also showing a small sign of color as well interested to see how this turns out as I have read in the past that the strain given the right conditions will turn a purpleish/blue. In all they are looking extremely healthy and have not streched nearly as much as I anticipated, this is perhaps due to the Tiger Bloom I have been using in combination with the other FF nutes. Enjoy the pics everyone and have a Merry Christmas! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
wow man very bushy plant! Me likes. :bigjoint:

keep up the great work and stay uplifted!


Well-Known Member
wow man very bushy plant! Me likes. :bigjoint:

keep up the great work and stay uplifted!
You and I both! I kinda ended up doing an SOG without actually meaning to do so. Thinking this crop will be one of my better ones to date yet, but then again I could be wrong only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Been 5 days since my last update and hope everyone had a good Christmas. To start off I haven't done much with the girls aside from watering up until today, (let the hate begin....)I decided that they were much too bushy and not much light was getting to the lower parts of the branches so I did a bit of trimming. Never done it before myself so I though I would give it a try this round and see how it works since tying branches down wasn't an option.

Aside from that the only big changes since last time is the size of the buds, smell, and trics on all 4 already! :mrgreen: On another note I am getting ready to start a batch of ISO hash(Just in time for New Years?), excited to see how it turns out as previous runs have not turned out so great. This time though I am equipped with a little bit more knowledge on the subject as well as aware of what not to do. LOL Will post pics when I am done.




Well-Known Member
Well here are some pics from the ISO hash I made tonight. Kind of impressed with the yeild based on the fact I only used trimmings from my last harvest. Started out with 46.7g of trimmings and ended up with exactly 4g of some nice shatter hash(about 8.5%)should be enough to last me awhile anyway. Would probably have another .5g or so if it wasn't for my little mishap during the evaporation process, long story short i'm lucky I ended up with anything.

IMG_20121228_182434.jpgGotta love the ghetto homemade filter I used :-)
IMG_20121228_182442.jpgBeautiful Tric encrusted alcohol
IMG_20121228_185006.jpgStarting to evap
IMG_20121228_204931.jpgBasically oil at this point, just cooked down a little further after this to refine it a bit.
IMG_20121228_215840.jpgI was guessing 1.5-2g max kinda impressed with 4g. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Seems that my last trim job did some magic as it appears(at least to me) that not only have the tops began to develope more fully but so have the lower bud sites. Also noticed that the CK seems to have some extremely large trics conpared to the others and what I have seen in the past. Getting more and more excited with each passing day and I can't wait for the next 5 weeks to go by!!!! On the bright side things should really start to fatten up from this point on. :lol: Snapped a top pic of the PB out of the room so you guys can see how purple the leaves are getting on her, starting to look awfully pretty. I figured for the hell of it I would snap a pic of the babes from these girls which are now going to be spending 12 hours a day along side their mothers (Hopefully they will learn well?). Got a few looking better than others but all in all they are healthy. Have 5 of the Northern Sensi Skunk that germinated and ended up growing and are also looking pretty. At least one of these NSS will be getting the "main line" treatment along with one of the JW and possibly a WB for my next grow.




Well-Known Member
Nice job lollipopping your girls. I gotta spend more time doing that

Thanks! They have turned out so far just as I have wanted, however(I forgot to mention in my last post) I am beginging to worry that the cold is going to take a tole on my total harvest. I am considering moving them to an indoor room but the space I have is less than ideal. Not to mention with the 1,000w I think I am going to end up with panama in my bathroom(the area is a closet like space in my bathroom). Not sure on this one, could possibly vent to the outside but I don't think it would be worth the hassle. UGH! Any advice anyone?


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man they look good what are your temps and humidity in there? And what is your goal for this have you grown in here before? Also sorry if I missed it how many gallons are those pots


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man they look good what are your temps and humidity in there? And what is your goal for this have you grown in here before? Also sorry if I missed it how many gallons are those pots
No idea what the actual temps/humidity are as I have no thermometer in the room, never have really used one. Have flowered a few other plants in the room I'm using, but that was before the temps really started to get cold. Goal is to harvest as much as possible, but always been more about the overall quality as opposed to quantitie. Pots are 4-5 gallon i believe, they were given to me and have no labeling on them for their size.


Well-Known Member
I'd be getting my temps and humidity under control. This is a crucial part of the game this far in. My flower room is around 72 day 58-60 at night. They can take some cold but, I wouldn't push it much lower than that. Good luck they look great


Well-Known Member
I'd be getting my temps and humidity under control. This is a crucial part of the game this far in. My flower room is around 72 day 58-60 at night. They can take some cold but, I wouldn't push it much lower than that. Good luck they look great
Not much I can do about it really aside from as I started earlier about moving them inside. Not putting money into my current room as I don't plan to be there much longer. Just trying to make do with what I have at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Decided to move my plants inside after thinking about it all day. They fit really well in the space I have I am really surprised. Going to see how the temps do over the next few days and decide if I am going to keep them in or not. On the bright side of things it smells AMAZING in my room now! :-)


Well-Known Member
I'd be getting my temps and humidity under control. This is a crucial part of the game this far in. My flower room is around 72 day 58-60 at night. They can take some cold but, I wouldn't push it much lower than that. Good luck they look great
Hey I've been meaning to ask some one my temps are well lights on between 64 and 68 and lights off between 54 and 58, should I be worried this is too cold I have some purple on the plants and maney there growing a little slower but does that sound like drastically too low or anything


Well-Known Member
Hey I've been meaning to ask some one my temps are well lights on between 64 and 68 and lights off between 54 and 58, should I be worried this is too cold I have some purple on the plants and maney there growing a little slower but does that sound like drastically too low or anything
Yes 64-68 is a bit cool for plants, optimal temps would be 75-80 during lights on and 60-65 with lights off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, so those girls seem happier in the warmer room inside? And yea I'm sure my low temps are going to affect yield a little there a really pretty pure though so kinda makes up a little bit for it haha they look col at least ha