4 Very different plants bagseed, i got some problems!


Active Member
So here are my 4 little ones, two of which seem to be doing pretty well, and the other two well i dont know. I have had to correct ph problems from the tap being at 8.0 now i am feeding distilled water pHed down to about 6.6 with a teaspoon of fish emulsion per gallon (5-1-1). As you can see all the plants have suffered a little bit of yellowing. I cant tell what I am doing wrong. they are under a 150w hps with a 70w fluro tube extra. I water every 2-3 days. Does it look like overwatering ? Help!



Well-Known Member
having to agree with the above statement nute burn..kidna early to be using nutes..and dont go by days to water...go by the condition of the soil..lay off teh nutes for awhile..what kinda of soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Yellow tips are the first sign of too many nutes,
and at that size you shouldn't be using any nutes.
What medium (soil) are you using?
does it have nutes already mixed in like miracle grow?


Active Member
I am using organic choice miracle gro and yes it did have nutes already....i was confused about the yellow and thought since it had been 2 weeks maybe they needed some Nitrogen...so ok ill stick to water for a while.


Active Member
i should also add that i am growing in a stealth dresser i rigged up....the 2nd pic shows the plant that sits right next to the air intake that i have a vicks humidifier (cool moisture) running straight into....could the cold draft have something to do with the overall yellow too? And any idea why they are all growing at such different rates?


Well-Known Member
A lot of people seem to have trouble with miracle grow,
they don't sell it in my part of the world, and as such, I only know what I've read,
and can't talk with experience.
Have you checked the "stickies" at the top of the problems page?


Well-Known Member
nute burn

rely on the nutes in your soil for now

wait till they get a bit bigger

miracle grow is a fine product

but its very strong and hard to use because of that

people that bitch about MG, and lots do, just do not know how to use it right.


Well-Known Member
nute burn

rely on the nutes in your soil for now

wait till they get a bit bigger

miracle grow is a fine product

but its very strong and hard to use because of that

people that bitch about MG, and lots do, just do not know how to use it right.
I agree, while they don't sell miracle grow here, the potting mix I use has nutes for 4 months (label says so)
But I add 30% perlite and 20% worm castings so it breaks it down a bit.
Sometimes I have seedlings that look like yours and I use Nytrozime and Super Thrive as a foliar spray (reduces stress)
But generaly they grow out of it with no problems so I don't worry about it anymore.:joint: