4 week old plant


Active Member
Wow... my plants are that big at like 6 weeks... but mine kinda had some gnarly cold shock (Temp dropped to like 50 one night). If that one fluorescent is all you used I'm impressed, they look pretty big and bushy for 4 weeks on one tube fluoro.


Well-Known Member
A way that i have read for early sex determination since you apparently have the time and sapce to grow your self a very nice plant ide say clone it and get a clone going for about 2 weeks maybe enough to build its roots up and flower it and u will be able to tell right away from the clone which sex its going to be and if it is a female then u could clone it sevral more times and save ur self a few steps in the long run :D


Well-Known Member
:weed::hump::leaf::?:how do I make a clone Ive read about it, give me alil more insight on it, do I have to dip the stem in any thing to help grow, or what im alil oblivious about it, and that closet is the only space I have it would be alil hard to clone I could seperate the closet with some mylar, my next grow im gonna be alot more prepared im using miracle grow soil, 1 150w cfl warm, 1 23w cfl warm, I did have 2 cfl 23w cool daylight but they broke, and one t4 flourescent im using now, im using the flouros and the plant close to the white wall to reflect light all thru the plant. when should I transplant, is that pot big enough for the plants size?


Well-Known Member
cloneing your plant is fairly easy. First you need to get you self something small to plant it in just like u were planting a seedling again. Your going to need a "Rooting Gel" theres tons of them on the market and you should be able to pick some up at ur local growing store. once you have those pices you need to pick out a branch with a nice upper leaf section and a secent shaft. You may have to trim a leaf or 2 off the shaft its self. Once you pick out the shaft you want to get a sharp pair of scissors to cut the stem with. Now that you have picked your branch u have ur root gel rdy and your container you going to plant it in your ready to cut it make sure that you cut the branch at a 45 degree angle and this is also where the importance of the sharp scissors come in because there is almost like a vain that runs through these stems and if an air pocket gets in the vain it can kill the clone instantly. once you have cut your branch stick the end of it in the rootin gel and get it coated nicely make sure the soil is fairly moist, go ahead and plant it down in there. Now here is the little bit of the tricky part ur going to have to find a container to use in ur grow room to put this little guy in since the clone has no rooting system u need to keep her well misted with a bottle because she will be drinking through her leafs, and when i mean something to put her in i mean something that will trap in the moisture so it stays humid. well thats cloneing in a bottle sorry its kind of scatter brained hope it helps :D