4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice


can I get some details on what you got going on? Lights, nutes, size box? I'm on my first grow as well an only a week in and seeing your plants at 4 weeks I'm thinking something is wrong with mine lol.


New Member
Not to be a ass but if your grow box is 60 inches tall 5 foot tall and your plants are already one to two feet tall they might out grow your box.. You might want to start flowering just to make sure they dont outgrow your grow box.


2 3 weeks may be pushing it as the plants usually double and sometimes triple in size during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering. Dependent on strain and methods of scrogging or LST'ing u may be able to keep it down but if left alone .. watch out .

Only meant as helpful advice. In all honesty Those are some pretty gals.


2 3 weeks may be pushing it as the plants usually double and sometimes triple in size during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering. Dependent on strain and methods of scrogging or LST'ing u may be able to keep it down but if left alone .. watch out .

Only meant as helpful advice. In all honesty Those are some pretty gals.
Thanks I`ll keep an eye on them