4 weeks into flowering how do they look?


Well-Known Member
Dam man that's my dream setup right there soon as I buy a bigger house I'll dedicate an entire closet to a grow lol them girls are Purdy!


Active Member
Thursday was the start of week 5 prolly just going to stick with nutes I'm giving them as I'm on a budget and already half way there. Honestly once I started the big bloom I really started to notice a difference they are getting super frost here some close up pics.Tell me what u think!
Looking good man. So an update on my girl, I didn't cut her down yet. Still putting on weight. Day 67 in thinking any day now. Weedmaan' your grow looks killer too. Is that your first grow? Looks like you no what's up ☝



Well-Known Member
Nice they look like they have put on weight looks more frosty than before also you get to sample that cut you took yet?


Well-Known Member
Here an updated pic she coming along Really nice smell is over powering now I love it I'll update more tonight as it's the start of week 6



Active Member
Here an updated pic she coming along Really nice smell is over powering now I love it I'll update more tonight as it's the start of week 6
Hey bro, how's the grow doing? I tried that sample cut and wow! Can't wait til the real deal. I've let her go for another week and a half. So glad I did. I'm cut n her N the next day or two. Just see n Amber trichomes now. So she has to go. Keep me posted with your girls! I'll update wet n dry weight soon. O n the last 2 pics of GSC that's come n along finally. Peace



Well-Known Member
Wow man they look a lot more mature lots of red hairs gsc looks awesome also I can't wait to hear the weight on yours! I'll try getting some pics tonight I meant to Thursday and got side tracked but they are looking great my buds have really filled out a lot one of them is extremely frosty!


Well-Known Member
J Dogg Here some updated pics Thursday starts week 7 tonight's feeding time they will be getting some nutes!!!


Active Member
Here is my head band she just started week 5 20150831_221728.jpglights off here20150902_171633.jpg lights on with white balance on my phone tell me what you think she smells like lemons and pinesol


Well-Known Member
Dam those look frosty that will be some good smoke both mine a skywalker og they have a very fruity smell especially the first one I'm thinking they will be done soon


Active Member
Yeah i think its the rock resinator im usin along with the terpinator making it frosty ..Did you get it from clone or seed?


Well-Known Member
Seeds if they were clones I figure they would look exact same I'm guessing they are just different phenotype the first one looks more sativa very thin leaves that don't over lap second one has huge fat leaves lol I'm happy with both of them hopefully I'll get quite the yield!