4 weeks old indoor closet


Well-Known Member
To the OP, I suggest you do a lot of research and reading on how to grow cannabis. I don't mean to offend you but you are unprepared for what awaits. If you are having this kind of trouble already then you stand virtually no chance once she starts to flower. It's not worth taking the risk and only harvesting a couple of joints. It looks like all of these folks have already given you some pretty good advice so I'd follow it and start reading my friend. Good luck and welcome to RIU!:weed:
sorry but that made me laugh
I'd start over if I were the OP. Use a good potting soil, and when it sprouts keep the lights really close to the plant, like right on top of it, that way it wont strech out like that. ooh, and make sue you have enough of the right kind of light. You should be watering like once every 2-3 days, not 2-3 times a day. lol.
The op doesn't need to start over get some organic soil and some nuts transplant and then start with 1/4th strength nuts work your way up.... To water stick your finger in as advised prior if its moist wait a day if its dry water simple can never have too much light but with them being stretchy you do want some lights close to the bottom it will promote growth


Well-Known Member
I have to disagrre just because he doesn't know that much this far doesn't mean he won't succeed I had base knowledge when I started I grew a plant at 15 nothing but jiffy pucks water and regular 100w light bulbs so suggest he had no chance without more info is absurd cannabis is a strong plant
I never said he wouldn't succeed. I said he needed to do a whole lot more research. What is it with people putting words in your mouth?:dunce:
I took your words for what they are I agree knowledge is best to have however I feel its better to research the point your at don't jump to far ahead if new could forget or skip some vital info and funny I think that dunce cap belongs to you sir I am confident in my advice hence why I don't ask questions only post advice


Well-Known Member
I took your words for what they are I agree knowledge is best to have however I feel its better to research the point your at don't jump to far ahead if new could forget or skip some vital info and funny I think that dunce cap belongs to you sir I am confident in my advice hence why I don't ask questions only post advice
Interesting...........I used to have a friend on here who said the same thing. So let me see if I understand you. You are telling him it's fine to just put the seed in the soil without opening a book or doing any research? And that he can always catch up? ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's priceless!!!!!! Every time I think I 've seen it all on here there is always some newb that proves me wrong. Touche wonderwoman, touche!:clap:
Well them your friends as you call them sounds clever and yes it is true I did it not my fault if you don't have the skills nor common sense to do it I may be a new here but have been on other forums and seen those like you thought this place may be different hey dick...opps I mean doc is it true ignorance is bliss because your sure giving me a good chuckle


Well-Known Member
Well them your friends as you call them sounds clever and yes it is true I did it not my fault if you don't have the skills nor common sense to do it I may be a new here but have been on other forums and seen those like you thought this place may be different hey dick...opps I mean doc is it true ignorance is bliss because your sure giving me a good chuckle
Wow, so hostile! Have I done something to offend you?:?

To the OP: I'm not trying to offend you my friend. You certainly came to the right place to learn how to grow. Tons of good info and plenty of helpful people. We have our share of haters but they usually end up getting banned soon enough. Again, welcome to RIU!:weed:
Wow, so hostile! Have I done something to offend you?:?

To the OP: I'm not trying to offend you my friend. You certainly came to the right place to learn how to grow. Tons of good info and plenty of helpful people. We have our share of haters but they usually end up getting banned soon enough. Again, welcome to RIU!:weed:
Yes you did I don't like the way you came across...I have lived my life learning as I got not the best but great things can happen when one learns through a tougher route imo...but op welcome to riu didn't mean to mess with your post...


Well-Known Member
Yes you did I don't like the way you came across...I have lived my life learning as I got not the best but great things can happen when one learns through a tougher route imo...but op welcome to riu didn't mean to mess with your post...
There is no need for the hostility here. We are all fellow tokers and growers. It can be hard to tell someone's tone over the internet but I apologize if I came off wrong. Welcome to RIU too!:weed:
I don't take kind to being called ignorant in any way but I suppose you are right about coming off wrong though internet we shall see if you are sincere


Well-Known Member
I don't take kind to being called ignorant in any way but I suppose you are right about coming off wrong though internet we shall see if you are sincere
I urge you to go back and read my posts. I never once called you or anybody ignorant. I don't even think I insinuated that anybody was ignorant. Besides, ignorance isn't necessarily a bad thing. It doesn't have a thing to do with intelligence. It simply means that a person is not educated about a particular subject, but I digress. I assure you I am always sincere. Life is too short to play stupid little games. I'm peacin' outta this thread. Too damn much hate for me!:sad: