4 White widow from seed in soil under 600watts


Active Member
Harvested the babies exactly on 63rd day which makes it 9 weeks, I have a feeling i should have waited another week but too late now lol
Got them in the tent still, hanging, no lights at all, straight up dark, humidity im keeping at exactly 50% and temps at 65F
I think the yeild will be around half pound or little more.

here is few pictures i took when chopping them down and taking off fan leaves...

These pics I just took on the 2nd day of drying...


Well-Known Member
Little bit more leaf than I would have left on. I usually make sure no leaf tip is uncut. But I have done some reading , this can be good for the process. it will slow the drying process + protect the tricombs. Mine was drying in 4 to 5 days. I thought was too quick, but all worked out.

Post dry results and time period when it gets done. I started to dry one plant with most of the leaf on it, 2nd day I started wondering how hard it would be to trim, so I grabbed it and trimmed it up. Never thought to leave the leaf as a bud protecter. Cant beat it really, it protects the tric's on the bud by covering it with a leaf full of tric's.
I have to disect each bud as it's smoked, if leaf is effecting the taste that much, just pull it off when disecting the bud to smoke. If you do jar up with all that leaf, watch out for mold. From what I read, the leaf will hold in alot of moisture.

Good job bro I will rep, sub, whatever, as soon as I figure out how,,,lol One more thing, once you think it was easy, you find out different. I skipped cleaning the box after one of my grows and had a few problems I didn't need. Bleach and soapy water.

Fox farm has some good shit for mites and mold, sprayed the shit out of my last two grows and have seen no effects. They are expensive and 90 to 99% water, but it works damn good for mites. and controls the mold from spreading.


Well-Known Member
IME the only time leaves will increase the chance of mold is when you don't cut any off and they wrap the bud completely... looks like he's only left some sugar leaf there. Friend of mine always leaves that much leaf on, as he likes to roll joints and uses the extra leaf instead of tobacco to keep the bud from sticking together into an un-puffable log. The more you leave, the more it will affect taste however.

Keep an eye on things and you should be ok. Nice grow Dip!


Active Member
Sup guys, I haven't weighed it yet man cuz im still curing. Btw I fucking hate trimming this shit. I really hate it. Makes me wanna not grow again cuz its a bitch lol


Well-Known Member
lmao, I said the same thing. They have easier ways to trim. They have this thing called trimpro, a manual trimmer. or if your mech. inclined enough to make a homemade one. I seen several vids on utube, but never tryed because the first thought was, where am I going to get a fan with a metal blade.
Damn bro, on the weight, I have no idea why you would pass that up.,,,lol I weighed my entire plant when done, weighed it again after trimming, then after dry,,,,,lol Once dryed I don't think it will gain or lose any weight, I could be wrong though, just a newb myself.


Well-Known Member
Thats about avg. Great for first time in my opinion. Mine was 8 1/2 oz. for 3 plants on first try.
Been fun watching this grow. Thanks for posting. Gl with all your grows.