40 cents per KwHr????!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Hello all so i was looking at my pg&e bill because I'm getting ready to run 2 tents a 5x9 and a 4x4. i was checking my rates to try and calculate how much i would be spending on electricity monthly and currently im being charged 23-30 cents per kwhr. So my problem is that i have a baseline and when i starts growing i will surely be over my baseline every month which will put me at 30 cents. Now the tricky part is if i use over 4 times my baseline i will be charged at 40cents per kwhr for energy used over 4 times the baseline. My question to you all is can i get my baseline usage limit raised? do i need to call pg&e with an excuse about why i need to raise it? i don't really want to be paying 40c per kwhr on 5000-6000 watts of power.

ill be running

2- 1000w HPS
1- 4-600w MH
1-55 Pint Ideal Air dehumidifier
1- 22 pint dehumidifier
1- 28,000 frigidaire window A/C unit

those are the majority of the power suckers besides fans and controllers so how do i get my baseline raised using this much power?
If you gotta calculate it

Ya probably shouldn't be doing it
Hey boss! i just like to plan things out and budget ahead. Also i don't like paying a higher price then i need to for something so if there's a way to pay a lower price im all about finding out how. All calculated and will be more then doable at the highest rates but still if i can get a lower rate i would still like too
Where is it 40 cents, the last time I checked I think the highest was in Hawaii and that was in June and it was something like 31 or 32 cents and then the closest one to that was Alaska at like 23 cents!
i pay $0.09 /kwh I'm a legal PU MM grower and make no profit from my grows so cost is an issue I use an 8 bulb T5 in a 2ft by 4 ft tent and get 8 ounces from an 8 plant S.O.G and am very happy with my cost. I am able to produce enough for myself and my wife for les thhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B00INGMTPW/?coliid=I15TMY56MTN116&colid=AW7UKM9ED6GM&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_itan $16/mo in electricity
Hello all so i was looking at my pg&e bill because I'm getting ready to run 2 tents a 5x9 and a 4x4. i was checking my rates to try and calculate how much i would be spending on electricity monthly and currently im being charged 23-30 cents per kwhr. So my problem is that i have a baseline and when i starts growing i will surely be over my baseline every month which will put me at 30 cents. Now the tricky part is if i use over 4 times my baseline i will be charged at 40cents per kwhr for energy used over 4 times the baseline. My question to you all is can i get my baseline usage limit raised? do i need to call pg&e with an excuse about why i need to raise it? i don't really want to be paying 40c per kwhr on 5000-6000 watts of power.

Wow thats gay. Maybe you can get on a different billing plan, some plans have cheaper off peak rates and you can run at night. My provider charges 14.3 cents for the first 800 kWh and then it goes down to 11.3 cents after that. Considering I pull like 14000 kWh a month over 13000 kWh is at the lower rate. Other billing plans they have would really have me paying a lot more.
My lowest rate is $0.26-$0.30/KWH and between 4-9PM it’s $0.50/KWH. It all depends on where you live.

I’m shocked at the prices I have to pay when I see others paying like a 1/4 of the price but I live in highly desired area of the US and the power companies are a damn monopoly what can you do. If solar & powerwalls didn’t cost upwards of $30k I would definitely be going that route.
My lowest rate is $0.26-$0.30/KWH and between 4-9PM it’s $0.50/KWH. It all depends on where you live.

I’m shocked at the prices I have to pay when I see others paying like a 1/4 of the price but I live in highly desired area of the US and the power companies are a damn monopoly what can you do. If solar & powerwalls didn’t cost upwards of $30k I would definitely be going that route.
In some states you can get a pretty big kickback for installing a PV array. There used to be a federal tax deduction as well but I think they stopped doing that but I am not sure on that one. In some cases I have heard of folks ending up with up to 60% reimbursement for the cost of the installation/equipment. At those rates its sure worth a call to a reputable solar installer in your area.
In some states you can get a pretty big kickback for installing a PV array. There used to be a federal tax deduction as well but I think they stopped doing that but I am not sure on that one. In some cases I have heard of folks ending up with up to 60% reimbursement for the cost of the installation/equipment. At those rates its sure worth a call to a reputable solar installer in your area.

In my location you can get a 26% federal tax credit. The Powerwall would be about an additional $15k. IMO solar wouldn’t be worth it without the powerwall since I would only get around $0.15/KWH credit for excess energy produced during the day when I’m usually not even home and then the power company would charge me $0.50/KWH once the sun is down and I need to pull power from the grid. Don’t know if I’m willing to make that large of an investment at this point, especially since the roof would need to be redone beforehand.
I live in Cali and without solar I would be fucked. My neighbor without solar pays a few hundred a month. I pay a fraction of what he pays and I got grow lights which he doesn’t.

I'm in SoCal without solar and trust me it sucks! I've had an $800 bill before. Honestly fuck SDG&E.
Where is it 40 cents, the last time I checked I think the highest was in Hawaii and that was in June and it was something like 31 or 32 cents and then the closest one to that was Alaska at like 23 cents!
I’m in the Central Valley and 40cents would be the max price they would charge for any power used after using 4 times my baseline allowance. It will be about 23cents before I reach that threshold. I will forsure be going over my baseline and fast with the power I’m going to be pulling to this room. I am wondering if there’s a way to increase my baseline allowance so I can stay within that threshold and not be paying 40c for most of all the power I’ll be using