Active Member
I think it’s a smart move to estimate your overhead costs.
Thats how a business is run i agree
I think it’s a smart move to estimate your overhead costs.
I was really surprised that I could lower the room temp by 10 degrees by dimming my 18 HLG's by about 20 %... really made a difference. We're at the end of the run, so lowering temps and light intensity is not a bad deal.Other than a solar array, looks like the only way around it is to ditch the HID lights for LED. Especially if you didn't take the heat of the HIDs and how much they'll raise your AC bill into account.
Same. We are with a COOP. price is the same per KWH if you’re running at 3pm or 3 am .89 cents per KWH, and also get a check back once per year for profit distribution.Do your electric bills show prices at different time periods? I'm lucky I guess. My price never changes. Its an electric cooperative. Its 28 bucks a month for membership but 9 cents a KWH always. They also kick back any unspent money at the end of the year so actually ends up being lower than 9 cents really. Didn't realize how lucky I was with that. Feel for a lot of you sounds rough.
That’s .89 cents (just under 9 cents)didnt even had a clue power can be produced below 1 cent a kilowatt in a first world country.
not bad at all, enjoy.
IDK. that’s just the way they post the rate. But if you do the math times KWH used, it comes to that.i see, but, shouldnt be the dot in a other place then? 8.9 cent?, not firm with any naming convention on the world.
nothing the less, a very nice price, and for sure the lowest or one of the lowest i have ever sawn.