40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

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Maybe it's different when you're local or have friends or otherwise know people. Everything I got from a dispensary when I visited Denver was drier than a mofo.

In another thread someone explained that the standard in a lot of states is 13% humidity for storage. Anything approaching 60% will test positive for mold if stored for a long period of time (stored bud has to be retested for mold every year apparently). So they store it dry.

Which would explain why they are selling dry bud. You may need to rehydrate it to bring it back.
Finding a smaller company that only grows their own and is constantly having different strains has proven better for me imo.
I was annoyed that I could rarely get the same thing at first, but the stuff from this place is always well cured and just right. I even got an oz of shake recently to make some edibles but it was so good I ended up smoking it lol.

Hahaha that is the best! Shake and bake.
In another thread someone explained that the standard in a lot of states is 13% humidity for storage. Anything approaching 60% will test positive for mold if stored for a long period of time (stored bud has to be retested for mold every year apparently). So they store it dry.

Which would explain why they are selling dry bud. You may need to rehydrate it to bring it back.
Who wants to buy water anyways. Just put a wrung out wet paper towel in with your weed and within a few hours with will be just right.
My pounds are so dry after trimming them and I don't want them to turn to dust in the turkey bags so I remositen the pounds and they gain about 20 grams in h2o weight. Add Integra Boost packs then they are ready to go. I had too many ppl bitch about them turning to dust, and I asked do you wanna buy water? Plus water speeds the oxidation of your THC so storing the weed super dry not only prevents mold but it slows degradation greatly, doesn't stop terpene evaporation though.

It's a perishable product for sure. Long term storage is best done in the form of frozen concentrates like rosin and BHO.
If youre smoking a gram a day maybe. They keep changing laws and driving prices up. Unless you want to go chasing deals on weedmaps, its getting harder and harder to get an oz for $100 out the door even on the medical side. I have to buy too much too often to be chasing deals all around the city that often. I personally spend way less than the $100 a week id be spending at the dispensary and end up with way more.
Everything ive grown so far has been better than most of what I am able to get.
I am smoking less than a gram a day actually. Lol— work and school keep me somewhat sober. You’re right though most ounces are still around $200. And speak for yourself, my last 4 or 5 grows have been shit compared to that MAC. I’m hoping my Crescendo turns out fire this run though. I changed a lot up.
I am smoking less than a gram a day actually. Lol— work and school keep me somewhat sober. You’re right though most ounces are still around $200. And speak for yourself, my last 4 or 5 grows have been shit compared to that MAC. I’m hoping my Crescendo turns out fire this run though. I changed a lot up.
Youll get there! When you get that first crop of fire that knocks you on your ass, its such a good feeling.
Im medically retired and this is my meds. Im usually around an oz a week when I have a good supply. When I let the stash go dry I have to cut way back because I cant afford to spend $400 a month at the dispensary on top of m grow costs.
My pounds are so dry after trimming them and I don't want them to turn to dust in the turkey bags so I remositen the pounds and they gain about 20 grams in h2o weight. Add Integra Boost packs then they are ready to go. I had too many ppl bitch about them turning to dust, and I asked do you wanna buy water? Plus water speeds the oxidation of your THC so storing the weed super dry not only prevents mold but it slows degradation greatly, doesn't stop terpene evaporation though.

It's a perishable product for sure. Long term storage is best done in the form of frozen concentrates like rosin and BHO.
If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't have that problem! Drying & curing is an art that you obviously never learned if your buds turn to dust. You should be able to squeeze your buds & get some bounce back, not turn to dust. Your over drying your buds & then adding water to them? LMFAO
My pounds are so dry after trimming them and I don't want them to turn to dust in the turkey bags so I remositen the pounds and they gain about 20 grams in h2o weight. Add Integra Boost packs then they are ready to go. I had too many ppl bitch about them turning to dust, and I asked do you wanna buy water? Plus water speeds the oxidation of your THC so storing the weed super dry not only prevents mold but it slows degradation greatly, doesn't stop terpene evaporation though.

It's a perishable product for sure. Long term storage is best done in the form of frozen concentrates like rosin and BHO.
It's called curing, not long term storage & I have cured bud for over 2 years & pulled it out & it was just like the day I put it in except more potent. You are giving bad info & if you store your bud at 62% RH, 60%F, in a sealed jar in a dark place, it will preserve it for years. It's science brother. You have a lot to learn !! Please stop spreading misinformation online, it's people like you that are messing the industry up & costing innocent new growers money.
Iv'e honestly never had bud for more than a minute. On my scale I chop it, dry it, trim it, trimming super dry makes it faster because the tiny sugar leaves just knock off with the tip of the scissors, pack it up, bring it to 62% for people like you and poof it's gone.
Thanks, you just showed your lack of knowledge. And I would normally share some helpful stuff but your the type of person we don't want in the cannabis community so I'll let you figure it out on your own & let the rest of the people on here realize that your a fraud.
but your the type of person we don't want in the cannabis community so I'll let you figure it out on your own & let the rest of the people on here realize that your a fraud.
Speak for yourself, please.
I (and many others) am part of the cannabis community, and I am happy that Renfro is on this forum.
If he uses a different system then you do, it does not mean that he is a fraud.
Are you calling everybody a fraud who disagrees with you?
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Thanks, you just showed your lack of knowledge. And I would normally share some helpful stuff but your the type of person we don't want in the cannabis community so I'll let you figure it out on your own & let the rest of the people on here realize that your a fraud.
I’m here because I’ve seen Renfros plants and talked to him a lot before. He has a ton of knowledge to drop and i don’t care what you say you have to respect the plants. I’m not here for renfro to give some game about long term storage that’s not what this is. We definitely need people like him not so much people like you looking for confrontation.
Thanks, you just showed your lack of knowledge. And I would normally share some helpful stuff but your the type of person we don't want in the cannabis community so I'll let you figure it out on your own & let the rest of the people on here realize that your a fraud.
This cant be real right??? Is Renfro punking us??
Thanks, you just showed your lack of knowledge. And I would normally share some helpful stuff but your the type of person we don't want in the cannabis community so I'll let you figure it out on your own & let the rest of the people on here realize that your a fraud.
for starters who is we speak for ya self i think ya a bit jealous of renfro and his grows and just talking shit typical keybaord warrior your what the cannabis world dont need
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