40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

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So it took a while but those 1500 watt HPS bulbs finally arrived lol. Swapped out the MH bulbs to get some readings and test the HPS bulbs.


I am getting about the same umol readings as the 1500 watt mh bulbs, maybe a hair more like 10 or 20 umols but honestly nothing measurable with me holding the light sensor. That is about 1050 - 1100 umols at 20 inches around the bulb, if you move the sensor just an inch its 1200, so yeah, I will definitely want the light mover because the side canopy will try and grow out towards that light during stretch.

For shits and grins I measured directly below the end of the bulb and I get about 500 - 600 umols at 12 inches lol.

Of course there is light from the overheads, I am aiming the sensor horizontally facing the lamp to get the 1100 reading at 20". Without the side lighting I would only expect readings in the low 300's at that spot on the "side canopy".

Very pleased so far.
Well I am stoned, full and tired. Plants are good, dogs are fed and sun is fixin' to come up outside. Time for this pot head to get some sleep. Have a great day folks!
Man I have been on a tear this last few weeks, between work (I'm a video editor) and the garden, I've had a few sleepless nights... lol. Usually up til 4AM normally, but I haven't been getting to bed until like 10AM lately. Looking forward to the colder weather, going to dial my lights back to come on at 6PM instead of 8PM so that I can get a little work done earlier... Always been a nightowl. My girl is pissed, looks like our daughter is going to take after me haha. She got dads circadian rhythm!
Man I have been on a tear this last few weeks, between work (I'm a video editor) and the garden, I've had a few sleepless nights... lol. Usually up til 4AM normally, but I haven't been getting to bed until like 10AM lately. Looking forward to the colder weather, going to dial my lights back to come on at 6PM instead of 8PM so that I can get a little work done earlier... Always been a nightowl. My girl is pissed, looks like our daughter is going to take after me haha. She got dads circadian rhythm!
I have always been wired for nights. I could be all sleepy as hell at 7 or 8pm but by 10 or 11 I am ready for a full night of work or whatever. Sun comes up and bam, tired again. :roll:
had to do a bit of catchin up here, been so busy :weed: really excited to see how the hps testing is going. that moving "sun" idea is crazy but i like it! once we get the December harvest we are gonna throw some hps in my dead corner like we spoke about and im really interested to see how it stacks compared to the cmh!
as for the no sleep i completely understand ive been drinking so much coffee getting everything put together that i find myself up reading and working on projects till 2 or 3. and a secret with the kraft, add some shredded cheddar and drain and toss in some diced jalapenos out of a can. found that out after a dab one night and ive never had it the original way sense
anyways good catching up nice to see you still doing well!20201005_084624.jpg
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add some shredded cheddar and drain and toss in some diced jalapenos out of a can
There are so many ways to spice up the Mac n Cheese, that sounds like a good one. Still though, I don't eat it much, just once in a while when I have a craving from childhood and then I want to have it like I remember it, plain jane. lol I am the type that eats a cheeseburger with nothing but cheese on it though.

throw some hps in my dead corner like we spoke about
You planning on hanging it vertical with a bat wing reflector? I love side lighting. I have a bunch of LED's I put together to replace 400's that I use on the ends of my rows.


Save some watts, make less heat and give more even coverage. After I finish chopping room B, I will hang those and have them ready for next round. I have one already running and like the way it's working. Still have to do the power cords for these 7 but I am waiting until they are hung so I can get the lengths right as some will be a little longer than others but none will be as short as 6 or 8 feet.
I want to have it like I remember it, plain jane.
we all have to get our childhood back somehow when we need it lol
You planning on hanging it vertical with a bat wing reflector? I love side lighting. I have a bunch of LED's I put together to replace 400's that I use on the ends of my rows.

i think i wanted to do a couple (don't laugh i haven't researched if they even make these) 600w de hps fixtures to compare to everything else thats 650 or 630w in the room as i feel as its a fair comparison as i am looking for quality over yield but i don't want to sacrifice yield either. either way i haven't even begun to think of side lighting in this room, i just want to get everything converted to 240v and figure out and dial in everything perfect and get my genetics done. it's a fuck ton of work, which i expected but god damn :eyesmoke: but when i say dead corner i have an area that's not quite lit as well as the rest of the room that i want to add hps under so i can position the tables a little more centered as opposed to just slammed against the wall(its all on wheels so thats all cake, couldn't afford rolling benches so i made some lol) they are on dark cycle atm so this is the best pic of the "dark area" i could find it has led but thats it16001490389554962381654686772591.jpg
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