400 W HPS help


Active Member
I have just bought a 400 W HPS and am in the prosess of hanging it up.
But I dont have anything to hang it up with, is it safe to use a nylon line instead of chains?

AND we HAVE to have it in our bedroom..... Will it get really warm in there?
And does it make a lot of noise (the ballast)??

But most important, the chain \ nylon thingy :)


use the chain...better safe than sorry...ballast shouldn't make a noise...heat won't be a problem, unless ur bedroom is really small... :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Id reccomend the chain also, Why even chance it if something can go wrong. As for the noise are you using a magnetic or digital ballast? And if its just out in the open in your room then its definintly gonna raise the temperature in there but not by a crazy amount. If its in a closet then it all depends on what your doing for ventilation.


Well-Known Member
i got a chain. but now im scared if the hps bulp is safe to use indoors??
you can use them safely indoors. as long as u are not staring at the bulb you should be fine.
and as far as heat as long as u are venting you should be ok (maybe summers will be a challenge).
the noise you would get by a ballast would be lower than your exhaust/intake fan (dont know what u are doing about venting) so i would not worry about it.


Active Member
but what about having the light in perifinal view?? bad for the eyes even from the side??? lol im sooo newbie.


Active Member
but what about having the light in perifinal view?? bad for the eyes even from the side??? lol im sooo newbie.
I dont even wear glasses when im fuckin around with shit, so I think you are good. Although might as well wear some sun glasses ;) I should probably as well


Well-Known Member
i would think that there would be issues like going outside when its dark and having a spot on your eyes till they adjust.
you could try to build a wall around it to keep light from "invading" your living space.

dont know how big ur room is to say. but i would guess that being within 6 feet of the light might be a bother/strain on your eyes. (if there is nothing to "shield" u)

i would guess that building wall with reflective materiel around it would help your plant use more light as opposed to wasting it on stuff that dont need light to grow.


i hung mine with a shoelace in my first grow as long as you know what your doing with knots shouldnt be a problem but i also had a clutch pole for clothes in my first grow room