400 watt 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
Right at this moment I don't have the other camera, but I will take shots of the full clones at harvest time for sure. ( another day or so )

And I will show you guys my vegging chamber, its full with my mothers to be and the next round of clones in hempy's.


Well-Known Member
Here is the Veg Chamber:

On the right of this pic you see a basil clone in hempy and my mini bubble cloner with 4 cuttings in it.

Its just another 2 liter with an airstone in it. I have the cuttings held up by a piece of Styrofoam.

Update Day 62 of Flowering:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Gypsy,

I have not looked over the trichs yet today but I think 65 days max.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think overall my plants are too short this first SOG run.

A guess, maybe 10 grams per clone ?

For my next rotation I would like to get the clones to at least 10 inches before the switch to 12/12

Overcrowding has not really been an issue this run so next run they can be a bit bigger.


Well-Known Member
im jus wondering cuz i to was thinkin bout 2liter bottles and wasnt sure if theres enuff root room or if theyde be to close together... i have a few clones in them now and i hate havin to water them so often... i originally was think bout those party cups, tried for a bit... waaaaaay to much watering... what if the hole was higher up so a bigger res??? think it mite be too much???


Well-Known Member
I found that the one hempy I have in 100% perlite (test hempy) dries out alot faster.

The 25% vermiculite 75% perlite mix holds more water up in the root zone.

I water every other day with about a 2 inch rez for each two liter.

Once I went 3 days but I saw slight wilting.

I do not think the plants are very rootbound. But I wont be able to really take a good look at the roots for another couple of days.

I had a roma plant in a 2 liter hempy that got root bound, but it was twice the size of my clones. And it was not lolly popped. But it was drinking very fast...


Well-Known Member
Some extra details about watering two liters.

24 hours after I feed, the water in the rez is mostly drank up. For the next day its the water in the vermiculite that the plants are using.

This current run my drain hole in the hempy two liter is 2 inches up from ground level.

For this next run I made the buckets with a 2 and 1/4 inch rez in anticipation of going a bit bigger.

Also if you think about it, the bottom of the two liter is stealing some of your volume. The molded plastic feet that are 1/2 up and 1/2 down take away about quarter of your total rez capacity.


Well-Known Member
Some extra details about watering two liters.

24 hours after I feed, the water in the rez is mostly drank up. For the next day its the water in the vermiculite that the plants are using.

This current run my drain hole in the hempy two liter is 2 inches up from ground level.

For this next run I made the buckets with a 2 and 1/4 inch rez in anticipation of going a bit bigger.

Also if you think about it, the bottom of the two liter is stealing some of your volume. The molded plastic feet that are 1/2 up and 1/2 down take away about quarter of your total rez capacity.
true dat.. im actually transplantin a few tonite in to 2ltrs.. ill test it out and put it higher and tell ya how it goes... even tho im 100% perlite


Well-Known Member
Spider Mites found in the veg area today lol

I just sprayed the little clones with a homemade mite killer. If this does not work I will get some neem oil or something.

Another Trichome update:

Different plant @ Day 63

A few Amber stalked trichs were spotted.



Well-Known Member
My spray has effectively killed the adults but over the next 3 days some eggs may hatch.

Gonna keep a close eye on them for any Adults. Maybe spray once a day for the next few days.

I think I got mites because these cuttings were from my outdoor grow :|

So far the Flowering area seems to be in the clear.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck with them mate...

I have a few berry bushes outside that I would like to grow indoors for the winter..

But I dread bringing pests to my "virgin" op...:lol:

Might gave to figure out a way to quarantine them...

Or I might wait for the first good frosty morning...


Well-Known Member
Found a few more more mites, Adult and young.

Here is a pic with some living mites and single eggs, not a cluster.

I sprayed again with my mixture and it seems to have killed the second wave.

The battle rages on.